Editor’s Note 7/4/2024

By at July 4, 2024 | 8:30 am | Print

This week I heard a lot of rumblings about the tax increase coming, or should I say officially here now.

I’ve got to say I don’t like it. It is not something I am happy about. Frankly, I’m not sure how anyone in New Britain can afford it.

I’ve talked to a few people who are ready to cut off the Mayor’s head. Before anyone gets over-emotional, I can’t help but ask if you know why taxes are increasing?

Are you seriously blaming Mayor Erin Stewart for a mess Former Mayor Tim O’Brien and many of the Aldermen still on the Council caused?

Where were you when I was warning people about the 2013-14 budget? I pleaded with residents to come out and fight against that fantasy. Hardly anyone did. If people had come out and complained then maybe we would not be in this mess.

Everyone chose to sit back and let other people fight the battles. I know I fight for every resident of this City each day. But, I don’t want to do it alone.

City residents voted out Mr. O’Brien so I know my message got through.

It is time residents make their voices heard whenever something goes on. Don’t just wait for someone else to solve the problem. By the time Mayor Stewart was elected it was too late for her to fix the mess without raising taxes.

This tax increase is the last time I can blame Mr. O’Brien when it comes to budget situations. From here on out, it is up to Mayor Stewart to take care of the City.

When Mr. O’Brien took office I did not criticize about what he did for one year. He needed a year to be responsible for his decisions. At that time, it became abundantly clear he could not handle the job.

As Mayor Stewart crosses the one year threshold, soon enough, she too will be closely watched. She will be responsible for the good and bad that comes with her budget decisions. If she raises taxes next year, it will be on her.

Until then, we should all take a step back and remember many played a role in this. And chances are many of you are among those responsible. Please, let’s not let this disaster happen again. Learn from this and play a role in helping move New Britain forward. I’m counting on residents to help bring New Britain back out of a desperate situation.

So now after that sermon, it’s time for a joke or two.

“When you are dead, you don’t know you are dead. It is difficult only for the others. It is the same when you are stupid.”


“When your children are teenagers it is important to have a dog so that someone in the house is happy to see you.”

Until next week get a dog and keep reading YOUR #1 Most Trusted Weekly New Britain Newspaper!



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