A Slap in the Face

By at May 16, 2024 | 8:30 am | Print

We learned this week that Department of Administrative Services Commissioner Don DeFronzo hired Former Mayor Tim O’Brien for a position in his office.

Although that sounds bad, it is actually very common. Both political parties do it all the time. That is not the real problem.

The problem is the position was made specifically for Mr. O’Brien.

What skills does he have to fill this position? Mr. O’Brien, who did not graduate college, is not qualified for this job. It appears the part where a college degree is required was not necessary for this position although it is required for similar jobs in other state departments.

A man who destroyed a City in two years and has done numerous acts considered corrupt by many, should not be rewarded for his efforts.

In fact, the New Britain Democratic Party should have been wise enough to distance themselves from him. Instead they are using our tax dollars to compensate him.

Word on the street has been that Alderman David DeFronzo, the son of Donald DeFronzo, is looking to run for Mayor next term. With this hiring, that idea may just be squashed. The DeFronzo name has been tarnished as it will forever be linked to Mr. O’Brien.

One cannot help but wonder if the New Britain Democratic Party understands just how much the public dislikes Mr. O’Brien? They appear to believe there is a small minority who are not supporters. That is not true.

The fact is, most residents know that Mr. O’Brien damaged New Britain almost to the point of bankruptcy in a short two years. He is not a figure people will look back on fondly.

With all the qualified people who are unemployed in this state this is nothing more than a slap in the face to all of us.


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