New Flea Market Coming to New Britain Soon

By at January 17, 2024 | 8:00 am | Print

Don LeMay has been in the antiquing business for 60 years. He’s gone across the country selling his wares.

Now, he is part of a new venture that he hopes can use his skills to help New Britain.

“I am starting this flea market because the man (David Traghten) who owns this building has had the spot open for two and one-half years,” said LeMay. “He asked my son-in-law (Roland Belanger) who works for Viking Cabinets what he thought he could do with this space. Roland spoke to me and he liked my idea very, very much.”

The Hardware City Flea Market was ready to open in Feb., but building department rules could delay it until March or April.

Belanger said he is working as fast as possible to get things like the handicapped bathroom approved.

When it does open, hours will be from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. It will be at 33-39 John St. in the garage near Viking Cabinets. Cash only. Free parking. Entrance fee is $1.

“We are creating this for the City of New Britain,” said LeMay. “People in this economy who want to make a few extra dollars can come here. Many people have bought things over the years and want to get rid of them.”

Although the building is a little bit from downtown, there are ways to help those businesses. There will be placards inside the building from various downtown businesses for $10 a month to promote them. Each is also in turn giving flea market customers a 12 percent discount.

There will also be various groups that can help customers learn various things. First, The Coupon Lady is expected to come. She will make a presentation on how people can save money using coupons. An appraiser for items will come at a later date. Many other great programs are planned, said LeMay.

“I’ve looked for 10 years for a place downtown to hold a flea market,” said LeMay. “Money we raise will also be donated to different non-profit organizations.”

The first donation will be the choice of Mayor Erin Stewart. Next will be the New Britain Police Department, followed by the New Britain Fire Department. Any non-profit from New Britain can apply for funds as long as they have a tax number.

“We aren’t doing this to make money,” said LeMay. “I have done this since 1956 and I believe New Britain can use a boost. It should be a win-win for all those involved.”

LeMay said his motto is “Unity for the Community”.

There are about 40 spots and the building can hold up to 200 vendors if needed. Right now about 20 vendors are signed up.

Sites are 20’ by 20’ for $50 a week or $45 for a full month in advance or 10’ by 20’ spots are $30 a week or $25 if signed up for a full month in advance. A $25 cleaning fee is also charged and will be returned upon moving out.

No explosives, firearms, ammunition, inflammables, beverages, pornographic or illegal items may be sold or swapped. The management reserves the right to sell food and beverages although it may be possible for vendors to sell food outside. Animals are not allowed in the building. There is plenty of parking.

For more information on becoming a vendor call Belanger at 860-461-5553.


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