Ward Aldermen Endorsements

By at October 11, 2023 | 8:15 am | Print

When it comes to endorsing Aldermen in each ward, it was really difficult. Because we want to see change, some tough choices were made. You can only vote for two in your ward.

Ward One

Willie Pabon and Jamie Giantonio have done a phenomenal job the last two years and deserve to be re-elected. Pabon has been on for 4 years. Each has served the City well. Both are Republicans who have voted as they see fit whether or not the party or the Council approved. They fight for residents’ rights.

Sharon Baretta, a Democrat, has always worked hard for the City in a number of capacities. She is passionate about New Britain.

Matt Dabrowski, is known for helping to establish the Little Poland Festival and is presently working for the Mayor’s Office as Events Organizer, but is being paid through the HRA.

Pabon and Giantonio get the endorsement easily because of the fine job they have done.

Ward Two

The incumbents are Democrats Tonilynn Collins and Adam Platosz. Platosz did vote against the bonding of books and that was the highlight of his year. Collins is one of the nicest people you will ever meet.

However, neither has done much more then vote along party lines.

We don’t know a lot about Diane Domejczyk and Chris Duffy. Both appear really excited about serving the City and offer fresh views.

Because neither known candidate voices much opinion during council meetings, we feel it is time for candidates that may make a difference.

Domejczyk and Duffy get the endorsement here purely because we want a change in this Council.

Ward Three

The Democratic incumbents are Shirley Black and Manny Sanchez. Both are very nice people. Black is someone the City should relish for many years. She is a true treasure. We best know Sanchez for two things. One was he was there for residents during a hurricane two years ago at the senior center offering rides and any other help he could without looking for recognition. We admire that.

But we do not see him going against the grain. He is just one of the pack.

Both candidates vote along Democratic party lines and do not question what is happening. We wish each would speak up and question more.

Their opponents are Hunter Mathena and Al Mayo. Neither are Republicans. Mathena is a Democrat and Mayo is an Independent. Mathena was told by the Democrats he could not win here because he is white. But, Mathena said he cares about everyone and should get a chance.

Mayo has been running for City offices for years now. He is not always articulate, but truly cares about people. A nicer more genuine man, you will not meet.

We have been claiming it is time for a change and must endorse Mathena. We like Mayo, but it is a difficcult choice between the three. We must add that the two Democratic candidates are not bad choices, but unfortunately they are sheep.

Ward Four

The Democrats running are Adrian Baron and Tobias Freeman. We really like both of these guys. Freeman is very smart and trustworthy. Freeman, has however, been voting along party lines without question.

Baron is mostly known around Little Poland, but is a very outstanding person. This is Baron’s second year running for Alderman. He previously ran unsuccessfully on the Republican slate two years ago.

They are running against Don Naples and Robert Smedley. Naples has been around the City for a long time and is unaffiliated. He volunteers a great deal of time and is well spoken. We don’t know much about Smedley except that he works for the schools.

Because of this we will endorse Naples and the other three are very even. We will not choose among those three.

Ward Five

Ward Five is the toughest of all the wards in which to choose. The Democratic incumbents are Carlo Carlozzi and Roy Centeno.

Carlozzi always votes what he feels is best for the City. He cares about the people of this City more than any political party. We admire that and support it.

Although we like Centeno as a person, he usually does not have much to say and votes as he is told.

Iwona Rutkowski and Lou Salvio are the Republican candidates running in the Ward. Salvio is very outspoken and many people are offended by that. He does work very hard for this City and its rights. He was previously an alderman, but lost last time out.

Rutkowski is a newcomer that we would like to get to know more. We feel she cares about the City and has her head on straight.

We are endorsing the Democrat Carlozzi and Republicans Salvio and Rutkowski. Our only problem with Centeno is we would like to see him voice his own opinion rather than just abide by the Democratic Party stronghold.



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