City Missed an Opportunity
By Editor at August 23, 2023 | 9:00 am | Print
It is greatly disturbing to see the City lose the possibility of an historical society at the Hatch Building because of political games.
So many cities proudly hold up their historical society as one of the prime organizations in the City. New Britain instead has set the ball in motion, to eliminate such an institution from occurring at the Hatch Building.
One would think with the great history this City has, nothing more could top the list of bringing New Britain to its former glory.
Instead, due to political concerns, Mayor Tim O’Brien has once again tarnished our City.
There is no reason his administration needed to come in and try to take control of such a great organization. And to make matters worse, its heavy hand was used to intimidate and control members.
New Britain Historical Society Director Amy Kirby did nothing wrong in inviting Republican Erin Stewart to a fundraiser for her organization. Isn’t a fundraiser meant to raise money? The more people who come, the more money is raised.
So why was it such a big deal that Ms. Stewart showed up to the event?
It’s all about bullying and proving the Mayor has done something he has not done.
This is just another example of the way this administration works. Its desire to be in control of every situation is what is bringing it down.
Telling lies such as taxes not going up and that it was the Mayor’s idea for a historical society is Mr. O’Brien’s MO. He has done nothing positive for our City, but continues to try to convince people otherwise by lies and manipulation.
New Britain needs an historical society. As Mrs. Kirby stated “it is a no-brainer”. One can only wonder why this administration did not use its “brain” and see this.