Resident Envisions Flea Market Downtown
By Robin Vinci at June 20, 2024 | 8:00 pm | Print
When Joe Girgenti attended the Big K Flea Market in Newington he saw an opportunity for New Britain. The flea market in Newington closes late June through August.
Girgenti came up with the idea of having the flea market at the old police station during those summer months. Money raised could go towards such City groups as the Food Pantry and other organizations.
“We have an empty lot. A dead end street with no physical address on it and nobody is using it,” said Girgenti. “I went to the Mayor’s Office and I was denied by Briggette Brown (community organizer).”
Girgenti said he asked various organizations like the Downtown District and Spanish Speaking Center of New Britain if they were interested in the program and they offered to be on a committee to help.
“Everyone thought it was a great idea,” said Girgenti. “I have five businesses throughout New Britain that want to be involved. I have people who are vendors in Newington ready to go and Briggette has denied us the use of City property. But, 5 minutes after my statement she told a church on Spring St. that the City will close down Spring St. for their event.”
Girgenti said he told Mayor Tim O’Brien and he made no comment.
“I think Briggette has taken on too many roles in the City of New Britain and it is getting to her,” said Girgenti. “She should not be head of the NRZ as she doesn’t live there anymore. We need a neighborhood head of the NRZ. She just moved to the other end of town. I guess she bought a new house and they (her and her husband Rhasheen Brown an Alderman) have a church down there.”
Girgenti said a flea market would be a great opportunity for the food banks and the stores in the City.
“Amato’s has a store on Main St. and they still want a spot at the flea market,” said Girgenti. “This would bring in 400 cars a day. Every road off our highways leads to Columbus Boulevard. It will not interrupt traffic.”
Girgenti said there could be 60 vendors at $15 apiece. Then the group can charge $1 per person to enter. Parking would be at the parking garages.
“That is about $900 just for vendors,” said Girgenti. “They are doing this all over the state. This is the opportunity for our organizations that need money to get help and not use money from our taxpayers. This is a really great idea for the City of New Britain.”
Girgenti said this is an ideal spot and plan.
“I don’t really care who runs it,” said Girgenti. “But, it has to be done for the City.”
Girgenti did have a group together who was ready to run the event. All he wanted was the permission to use the parking lot.
“I have vendors who have been doing it for 25 years ready to go,” he added. “Residents do not need to have a tag sale. Instead they can bring their stuff to this to sell.”
Girgenti said this is not the only idea he had.
He said 3 months ago he came up with the idea of having a housing fair. He told several City officials. He was working on making it work.
“No one from the City wanted to be involved,” he said. “The next thing I know one is planned and Briggitte Brown is running it. That was an idea I came up with and I was going to run it with the state.”
Brown is also now in charge of the Community Gardens which was originally a plan by State Rep. Rick Lopes.
The Halloween Safe Zone event in Downtown was a New Britain City Journal event and was taken over by the mayor and is now being run by Brown as well.