Americans Overcome Tragic Events
By Editor at April 19, 2024 | 9:15 am | Print
Saying we are sorry about the terrorist bombs in Boston doesn’t seem like enough. Every few months a new tragedy seems to come along that breaks Americans hearts.
Whether it is a shooting or a bomb or just an unexpected natural event, we as Americans these days seem to be in mourning an awful lot.
There are always good stories that come out of each catastrophe; People going above and beyond the call of duty to help save a life.
It is those good deeds we need to take from these tragedies because without them we would not be able to survive as a race.
We need to know not everyone is planting bombs filled with nails and ball bearings or gathering a massive number of guns for a shooting of innocent people.
Those people are few and hopefully far between. The human race is still basically good and caring.
No, we do not always show it. We let little things build up and attack each other on issues and moral beliefs. But, when times are life threatening the true character of people is exposed. It is then that we all come together. We allow ourselves to bond and become as one because we each feel the same pain and are wrought with the same emotion during a tragedy.
In times like this we show our true American character. That is why heroes emerge among the ruins of tragedy. We cannot let vicious acts influence who or what we are.
We know we are better than we often are portrayed and that we always emerge victorious.
It is still good to be an American. And, no one can take that belief from us regardless of what horrendous act they attempt.