Once Upon a Time….
By Editor at April 19, 2024 | 9:30 am | Print
If you take a look at the new 2013-14 budget presented by Mayor Tim O’Brien it is clear it is a fairy tale. Items such as raising $1.75 million in parking at Liberty Square this year compared to $617,000 in previous years and getting $1 million in parking tickets when last year the city collected $253,000 is clearly impossible.
It is something Peter Pan, Pinocchio and the Wicked Witch together could not invent.
So why would Mr. O’Brien produce a budget that has no chance of balancing at the end of the year? Why else? To get re-elected and keep all his campaign promises.
Yes, there is no property tax raise. Although car taxes and business taxes are sure to rise. Yes, he gives more to education, something I have advocated for many times.
But, by the end of the year a tooth fairy will have to put millions of dollars in our coffers or New Britain will be bankrupt. This budget is a complete fantasy.
It is apparent that Mr. O’Brien’s ‘on the job training’ is destroying New Britain. How long can we afford to allow his daydreams to continue?
The biggest question now is will the Aldermen really approve it? So many just say ‘yes’ to whatever this mayor says as if they were the dwarves bowing to Snow White. This is not a council that thinks for themselves. A few do. But, most don’t even realize they are voting on a flight of imagination written by a man who has visions of Robin Hood in his head.
If this budget is approved by the council, it is clearly time to remove members from their positions in November.
We will keep track of how each votes and what each says. The New Britain City Journal will keep every resident informed in future issues of our paper.
What we need is a budget based in reality. No more childhood fantasies like Peter Pan. No more of Pinocchio lies. And no more nasty Wicked Witch plans.
This is about New Britain. Plant your feet firmly on the ground and stop going to Never Never Land.