Please Don’t Be Bobbleheads
By Editor at December 21, 2023 | 8:30 am | Print
In the next few months the New Britain Common Council will be facing a lot of interesting decisions. It will face everything from the budget to landlord fees to ethics questions.
Residents in New Britain elected these officials to do what is right for them which may not be what it is the mayor wants. Please do the right thing and not just be a bobblehead for the mayor.
In the past, some council members have just agreed to everything and anything this administration has requested. Others have not.
Things are changing here in New Britain. Everyday more people are aware of questionable activities in this administration. They will also be watching the council more closely. No longer will no discussion and a straight “yes” vote be allowed.
Every action will be viewed by the public and reviewed by the New Britain City Journal.
For far too long many politicians have not been scrutinized. That is no longer going to happen.
Both Republicans and Democrats will be held to the same standards. Neither party will be held unaccountable.
This week the New Britain City Journal can’t help, but question why a special Planning, Zoning & Housing public hearing and meeting was scheduled on a Friday night before Christmas. A special common council meeting was moved to that same night immediately after?
First off, it prohibits people from speaking in regards to the issue at hand because of holiday parties. It also looks like a sham when a public hearing is held and then immediately followed by a special council meeting to vote on that same issue.
In other words, it doesn’t matter what the public has to say. The majority of the council has already made a decision. Why do we even have public participation? Many on this council don’t seem to listen anyway.
Friday was also designated as a day of mourning by Gov. Malloy for those that died at SandyHook and planning a meeting this day is not respectful.
Residents do see these things and are disgusted by these tactics. It seems like there is a persistent devious and underhanded behavior at City Hall. Is it necessary?
This item will not go into effect until April 1. It could have waited until January to be voted upon.
The only logical reason is that then, more people could have spoken and the council wants to limit free speech.
Please stop that behavior. This paper will expose it every time.
We understood the public hearing /meeting was planned on Tuesday and some topics came up pushing it back. Okay, a date change may have been necessary, but the Friday before Christmas? Come on now. We know better. You are fooling no one.
Unless the world has come to an end today, Dec. 21, we are not alone in asking for a better common council in 2013.
New Britain needs a council who is willing to listen to everyone regardless of the issue. This request is not just about landlords. They are just one vocal group of people requesting to be heard.
Many others who do not care a bit about landlord fees are demanding to be heard as well. Everyday in the past few weeks the New Britain City Journal has received at least one message from someone who is upset about this administration.
Please think twice this year council members. Do not say “yes” to everything your party tells you to do. Instead think about the people who voted for you. And remember, these are the same people who could vote you out next November.