City Children Invited to Trick or Treat Downtown

By at October 4, 2023 | 7:14 pm | Print

The City will hold its first “Downtown Halloween Trick or Treat Safe Zone” sponsored by the New Britain City Journal on Halloween Oct. 31.

The event is tentatively scheduled from 4-6 p.m. with a Halloween Costume Parade at Central Park at 6 p.m.

New Britain children will first meet at Mayor Tim O’Brien’s home at 25 South High St. to begin the event. Children will be greeted with candy, cookies and cider and then can proceed to the next destination of the New Britain Public Library for candy. From there, several downtown district businesses will be supplying candy such as Amato’s Toy and Hobby, Miss Washington Diner, Tools Bar & Grill, Trinity on Main, South Church, TD Bank, Hole in the Wall and more. The Downtown District will have a coffin so children can take pictures in it if they choose.

“We want the downtown to be a safe warm welcoming place for families to come with their kids on Halloween night,” said Mayor Tim O’Brien. “I have been making it a tradition for people to come over for cookies and cider at my house. We are expanding on that. Since I live right in downtown it is great to link that in with the other things we are working to do. There are a lot of great organizations downtown. By working together we can have a great environment for family and kids to come and enjoy themselves.”

O’Brien said not all neighborhoods are suitable for trick or treating, but downtown is a great area for the them to celebrate the holiday.

“This gives them opportunity for a place to go, be safe and enjoy the center of our City,” said O’Brien. “That is what our downtown is about anyways.”

After trick or treating at 6 p.m. a costume parade is planned around Central Park with first prize, donated by Amato’s. A performance by members of the high school band is also in the works.

Adults need to accompany children. Pets and masks are not allowed. Children are encouraged to paint their face. Children are also encouraged to carry a flash light and cross at the crosswalks. Police will be in attendance as the event will be safe for children. Ages Pre-K through middle school are invited to attend.

“I thought of the event because last year, due to the storm, we were unable to celebrate Halloween. I thought wouldn’t it be great if the City did something special this year,” said Robin Vinci, chairman of the Downtown Halloween Trick or Treat Safe Zone Committee. “Downtown New Britain has so much to offer. It’s terrific to be able to show it off.”

More details about the event and a map of participating businesses will be published in the weeks leading up to the event in the New Britain City Journal.


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