Editor’s Note 7/27/2012

By at July 27, 2024 | 8:15 am | Print

I do a lot of riding around New Britain throughout my week. I see a lot of things. One thing in particular has become bothersome to me.

Are children learning about street safety? I mean in terms of how and when to cross the street. Several times in the past week I saw cars almost hit youths crossing the street.

These kids were just crossing wherever they chose to and some were looking at their cell phones or iPods and paying no attention to see if cars were coming.

Recently, a young man was killed on North St. crossing the street. It appears he was crossing at the crosswalk and was doing nothing wrong. A car was speeding and hit him and took off. He is not who I am writing about. I saw his family at a recent council meeting and it broke my heart.

The youth I am speaking about are those who just don’t pay attention. I am surprised there are not more accidents. We need to teach our young that they are not invincible and must pay attention. I would hate to see any more needless tragedies in New Britain.

When I went to school street safety was one of the first things we were taught. And, most of us listened.

I noticed the Berkowitz Building is still empty and has not been purchased. I asked the Mayor about it. He told me his office is speaking with potential buyers to see who is the best fit. I hope someone takes it over soon. It really is an eyesore.

We have good stuff this week starting off with the Sixth Annual Walk and Roll for the American Disabilities Act. The people who took part, with and without disabilities, were amazing. Dedication and desire are most important for positive change. These people have it.

I had so many people on our New Britain City Journal Facebook page questioning where the Costsco Project is at that I had to find out. See page 1 for the latest. See, being a member of our Facebook group has advantages. We try to answer your questions. Residents decide what is news and not the media.

Speaking of news, all of us at the New Britain City Journal, send our prayers to the families of those killed in the Aurora, CO shooting. What a horrific event.

On a lighter note, how about my funny joke from Facebook?

An old woman was sipping on a glass of wine, while sitting on the patio with her husband. She says, “I love you so much. I don’t know how I could ever live without you.” The husband asks “Is that you or is the wine talking?” She replies “It’s me…talking to the wine.”

Until next week, keep that wine close to you and keep reading YOUR #1 Weekly Newspaper!



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