Editor’s Note 7-20-2012
By Editor at July 20, 2024 | 8:15 am | Print
Attending Monday night’s Board of Education meeting I have to say I was impressed that Superintendent Kelt Cooper spoke with state officials telling them he needed some time to turn the schools around. Networking will start in I believe 1 school this year, but then other schools are expected to join. If they don’t join such actions as removing the entire school board could take place.
Cooper is asking for the chance to change things before either scenario takes place. I hope the state gives him a chance to make that happen.
Other discussion around Kaizen Thursdays and bilingual teachers were also important. Please read the story on page 1 because I believe it to be the most complete one of any of the papers.
Also, discussed Monday night was obesity in students. Several months ago, we released a story from the health department on this, so this is nothing new. Our kids are obese.
What did strike me, is one school board member’s actions that students can learn from. If you drive around the City, chances are at some point you will see school board member Paul Carver walking around the City. Some days when I drive around delivering papers, it seems he is always there. If students walked the City instead of being driven everywhere maybe the obesity level would go down. I find myself often saying “I want to be like Paul Carver”. One day, even I will follow his lead.
I hear lots of talk about the Busway now called the CTfastrak around. A lot of people have so much negativity about it. I’ve heard the utter disgust that it is going through the cemetery. The train tracks have been going through the cemetery for years and years. Nobody complained about that, but now all of a sudden people are worried about the noise it will create for the dead. Um, the dead are dead. And the noise has been there in the past when the trains were very active. I’m not in favor of hurting and dirtying any graves in any way. I understand we honor our dead, but people need to be realistic. Give this project time. If you have questions about it, phone numbers to call are in our page 1 story. Get the facts.
I want to be sure this week you take a look at pages 8-9. We have our annual “Where to Eat” section. Take the pages out and keep them around for when you are going out to dinner. They will help make your choice easier. Each restaurant has something unique to offer.
Funny Joke this week is a lawyer joke.
Judge: “Have you anything to offer to this Court before I pass sentence?”
Defendant: “No your honor, my lawyer took every penny.”
Until next week keep your pennies and keep reading YOUR #1 Weekly Newspaper!