Complementary and Alternative Medicine Craze?
By Faith Perdue, CCSU Student Nurse | New Britain Health District at June 8, 2024 | 8:15 am | Print
In America, many people think of health care in terms of Western medicine, but over the last few years, complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) have become more and more popular. You may find yourself asking “What is this complementary and alternative medicine craze? CAM encompasses many different practices, products and therapies that individuals can use to improve their health and well-being in addition to or instead of Western medicine.
The types of complementary and alternative medicines can be put into broad categories. These categories include natural products, mind and body medicine, manipulative and body-based practices and even movement therapies (NCCAM Staff, 2012).You may have even heard of some of these complementary and alternative medicines before and may not have known it. Meditation, yoga and acupuncture are all examples of mind and body medicine. Massage therapy and spinal manipulation (commonly done by chiropractors) are types of manipulative and body-based practice commonly used today. Dietary supplements and herbal medicines are examples of natural products.
There are many complementary and alternative medicines that are less common but are increasingly becoming more widely accepted. This includes guided imagery, reiki and probiotics. Guided imagery is a relaxation technique that uses descriptions and suggested mental images to focus on positive thoughts and images instead of negative or stressful feelings. Reiki is performed by practitioners that place their hands just above the person receiving treatment with a goal of improving the person’s healing response. Probiotics are microorganisms that are considered “good bacteria” for intestines and can be obtained by eating certain foods (such as yogurt) or taken as dietary supplements(NCCAM Staff, 2012).
A great way to look up more information on complementary and alternative medicine is to go to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine website ( This website provides information about CAM, lets you explore health topics from A-Z, access information in Spanish and learn more about research currently being done. The website even has areas where you can research your pain or problem and it will give you some examples of complementary and alternative medicines that may be beneficial for you to use. CAM can be used to treat everything from irritable bowel syndrome to asthma to low back pain.
If complementary and alternative medicine sounds like something that interests you, make sure to take steps that ensure your safety. Some great ways to stay safe are to: research information on credible sources, discuss what you would like to try with your health care provider and look for trained professionals or certified products once you pick a method to try. Another great idea is to keep a journal of good and bad results you may have had while trying complementary and alternative medicines.
Complementary and alternative medicines have a lot to offer. Learn more to see if they are right for you!