Watch Out! Dangerous City Intersections Ahead

By Robin Vinci at February 24, 2024 | 10:15 am | Print

In 2008, four intersections were identified as the most dangerous in New Britain. Since then, safety measures have taken place to help motorists avoid a crash.

New Britain Police Sgt. Robert Martin, of the Traffic Division, said during the Traffic Accidents Statistics Study the intersections of Corbin & West Main Streets; Hartford Rd near Burger King; Allen & East Streets; and Washington & Beaver Streets were identified as causing the most collisions in the City.

“There are all different types of accidents,” said Martin. “One of the most dangerous stretches we had was Hartford Road by Burger King. We had 60 plus left turning accidents out of where TD Bank is, with people taking a left headed towards the highway, because there are three lanes of traffic. One lane would stop and they would motion for a car to pull out and then a car would come in the third lane and then hit them.”

Martin said a median was put there shortly after the study and now cars cannot go left any more. Cars must go up to the traffic light to take a left.

“It took us a long time to get this straightened out,” said Martin. “Those things don’t happen overnight. We try to do smarter policing so we can deploy our limited resources in places problems exist.”

Corbin Ave. and West Main St. has always had a lot of accidents and right now may be the most dangerous intersection in the City.

“There have been a lot of improvements in that area,” said Martin. “When they redid the CVS Plaza and Stop and Shop they made it a no left turn at the intersection. Now you have to come out further down on West Main St. to put you into the approach pattern.”

The approach exits put cars in appropriate lanes.

“The highest volumes have the highest accidents,” said Martin. “There are a lot of left turning accidents and people go through lights. That creates a problem. Many accidents there are caused by following too closely.”

Several years ago using state funds, City vehicles did check on those who were following too closely and tried to help reduce those accidents.

“Speeding is always a problem. We have a covert speed measuring device we put up in different areas. It measures all the cars around the clock and how fast they are going,” said Martin. “It is hidden and it’s only for determining if there is a speeding problem. We want to target the areas that are the most problematic.”

Allen St. and East have been re-engineered as well.

“It was problematic because of the way it kind of curved around,” said Martin. “A lot of problems were turning accidents or trying to beat the light where there is no protective turn.”

A protective turn has been added which is a solid green arrow. Those intersections that do not have protective turns are more dangerous.

Farmington Ave. where it meets Washington St. is the next intersection scheduled to be re-engineered.

”Right now when you come down Farmington Ave., the fire station is at the triangle and it curves you on to Washington St.,” said Martin. “What will happen is Farmington Ave will continue to Beaver St. Washington St. will be realigned so that it makes a four way intersection with LaSalle St.”

The project is already underway.

Martin said the main cause of accidents anywhere is often just speeding. To stop this from happening the department first does a study to find out where speeding problems occur. It then puts out a trailer that shows drivers what speeds they are traveling.

“We put the speed trailer out for a week or two to get voluntary compliance and make people aware that they are speeding,” said Martin. “Then, we go out and use radar and laser enforcements using marked and unmarked cars.”

Although speeding causes many accidents, it is turning maneuvers that cause the most crashes at an intersection. Most of these are not fatal accidents.

“If you follow the rules there would never be a crash,” said Martin. “There are a whole host of driving behaviors that cause collisions.”

Martin said red light cameras that may be used in the future will be a viable option in helping reduce crashes.


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