Parking Needs to Come First
By Editor at January 13, 2024 | 10:15 am | Print
This past week the City held a working group meeting on the new streetscape project meant to re-do downtown and merge the areas on either side of the Route 72 bridge on Main St.
A lot of great ideas were introduced. New signage which will direct people across the City and highlight what we have that is important. Re-working streets, change light signals and beautifying streets will definitely impact downtown.
The project sounds amazing. But, there is one vital aspect that must be done first.
Until the City takes care of the parking situation it will not matter how beautiful our City is.
Parking is one of the items on the streetscape agenda.
Addressing the parking situation must not wait or be on the back burner. It is the very first thing that needs to be done. New businesses that are even considering moving into the City must see the devotion of the town to allow them to get business.
A local business developer has said he can bring in up to four new restaurants pretty quickly if the parking situation is resolved.
Some ideas from the group included back-in parking. The idea sounds like a good one for various reasons. It is easier to put packages in the trunk of the car and children do not have to step in front of traffic when getting in or out of the car.
Another idea highlighted was a bike lane. A bike lane would be nice, but not if it hinders parking.
Parking must be a priority if we are to succeed.
People throughout the City speak about how the City used to be active. It also had good parking.
We do have parking lots, but there is nothing like the ability to park a few hundred feet from a storefront.
That also brings us to parking meters. The City makes a meager amount on meters. Wouldn’t it be wise to avoid meters on the new parking area for at least a year? People need to get used to the convenience of stopping in the City.
It is too easy to go to a mall or plaza to shop and not worry about parking or meters.
The New Britain City Journal urges the working group to solve the parking situation first. At least then we will have businesses which give residents a big reason to stop in the City.