24th District Election - Tom Bozek (I)
By Editor at January 6, 2024 | 10:30 am | Print
All three candidates running for the vacant seat in the 24th District were invited to give a response of 500 words or less on why to vote for them. The following were submitted. The Special Election is scheduled for January 10, 2012.
I am Tom Bozek. As your State Representative from the 24th District, my major concern will be to cut unnecessary spending. A prime example is the $700 million allocated for the 9.6 mile busway from Hartford through West Hartford and Newington and ending in New Britain. This is an absolute waste of taxpayer’s money. It provides transportation for a limited number of riders, in fact, so small that it will have no effect on the overcrowding we now experience on our highways. Also, the land around the busway stops in West Hartford and Newington has been set aside for Public and Low Income Housing. This will have a major impact on the Budgets and Tax Rates in these towns to accommodate the increased cost of education, police and fire departments and social services. There will be a direct environmental impact as more than 50 wetlands areas will be affected.
We face tough economic times. We cannot ask the hard-working taxpayers of New Britain and Newington and the rest of the State to pay for a busway that will not work. My opponents – Lopes and Steele support this Boondoggle.
I call for the BUSWAY to be cancelled and the funds re-directed to New Britain, Newington and Connecticut shovel ready Public works, bridge/road projects, including water and waste treatment projects.
This would mean the immediate hiring of thousands of workers and the results will benefit all the citizens of our communities and alleviate the gridlock in our roads.
Taxes are strangling the middle class; we are working and paying for those who choose not to work but rely on the succor of government to provide for their every need. Our tax dollars also fund enormous inflated pensions for those retiring at 40 or 50 years of age and will continue to collect for the next 35 or 40 years; a longer period than they ever worked. These pension and retirements were approved by your State politicians in return for the vote and support of those receiving them.
Our education system assumes that all children must be prepared for college even if they do not have that desire or ability. This leads to excessive numbers of dropouts who are unprepared in any way to enter the workforce, increasing unemployment and filling our jails with those who decide to live outside the law. Those not desiring college must be offered a suitable alternative; a first class Trade school education in jobs relevant to today’s economy. As your State Representative I will insist on a Trade School Program that will be a model for the nation and a pride to its graduates.
The taxpayer must trust that its representative at the State Capitol is a good steward of the State’s financial resources and carries no blemish of cheating or illegal, unauthorized activity. My past service has proven my ability to receive your trust and your vote,
I appreciate the support and endorsement of three of New Britain’s finest mayors – Stanley Pac, William McNamara and Lucian Pawlak. Please vote for me on Tuesday, Jan. 10 – I hope to improve your Quality Of Life.