We Encourage Your Candidate Letters
By Editor at October 14, 2023 | 11:52 am | Print
Who are you endorsing for mayor this November? The New Britain City Journal would like to encourage residents to send us a letter supporting their choice.
Often letters to the editor can bring a different viewpoint into focus for someone thinking about an election. Each one of us has an opinion.
We feel it is important to voice it. In the next three weeks we will run as many, if not all letters sent to us endorsing candidates.
Candidates may include any running for an office in the New Britain election on Nov. 8. Alderman, tax collector, city treasurer, board of education and constables are among those who are important.
Who we vote for locally has much greater impact to us than whom we vote for in Washington DC. These New Britain candidates decide your taxes, what gets built, how much funds education will get, the future of downtown and much more.
Those elected directly impact you every single day. So, don’t just vote for a party, vote for a candidate. And let us know why!
Please put your name, address and phone number. We will only print your name and city. We may call you to verify your information. Limit letters to under 300 words. If it is too long we may either cut it or not use it at all.
Please email letters to [email protected] before Oct. 28 or P. O. Box 2111, New Britain, CT 06050.
The sooner the better. So do it now!