Mindful Meditation Everyday is Very Therapeutic

By Misbah Akbar, CCSU Nursing Student | New Britain Health District at October 7, 2023 | 10:15 am | Print

Mental health is the often forgotten ingredient in overall health, but is just as important as physical health. Transcendental meditation is a simple form of meditation involving only sitting comfortably with the eyes closed. The practice is not only therapeutic but convenient and free. Meditating for twenty minutes a day is good for the mind, body, and spirit.

As a supplement to traditional medical care, transcendental meditation is used to treat a variety of issues. A research study from the Journal of Social Behavior and Personality suggests Transcendental meditation (TM) “reduces risk factors for mortality, including psychological stress, hypertension, smoking, and elevated serum cholesterol in African Americans and the general population.” The Centers for Disease Control is also finding positive links between meditation and health. Unlike other therapy techniques, the individual creates his or her own method of meditating. There’s no right or wrong way to meditate, but there are strategies that can help you unlock the benefits.

A quiet setting allows for self-awareness and heightened consciousness. Giving the mind full attention is easier to do without noisy distractions. If a quiet spot is hard to find, ear plugs can be used. A comfortable position should also be sought out when preparing to meditate. Just as quiet makes a good environment, physical comfort makes for a freer mind.

Like eating well and exercising, meditating is making a conscious statement about feeling healthier. The benefits of meditating include increased energy and self-awareness. It can also be opportunity for individuals to decompress. Although some people focus their attention on one thought or image during meditation, others simply sit and breathe deeply. Most would agree there is no wrong way to meditate so long as the experience has a soothing effect.

There are a few things to consider before practicing Transcendental meditation. As relaxation therapy, it is to be used as a supplement. It is not meant to replace conventional care. One should also tell his or her health care provider about considering meditation to ensure safe, coordinated care. For information and techniques that are practical and safe, be sure to find published articles with reliable sources. More information on meditation is available at www.cdc.gov and www.nccam.nih.gov.

Embrace yourself and give your mind, body and spirit a chance to interact without the chaos of the outside interfering. Letting these elements interact in peace can be surprisingly refreshing and thought-provoking. Keep in mind, meditation does not require an individual to change his or her beliefs. There is no fee, no contract or catch. Only a closed mind and heart can keep a person from the therapeutic benefits of transcendental meditation.



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