Preserving New Britain’s Past

By at August 19, 2023 | 9:10 am | Print

City to Create Historic Preservation Commission

The City is looking at putting together an historic commission that will help protect historic and culture assets of the City.

“A couple of years ago we applied to Connecticut Trust for Historic Preservation in an effort to develop an historic plan for the city of New Britain,” said Ken Malinowski, director of the municipal department. “We got a $20,000 grant.”

The City now wants to put forward an historic preservation plan that will go to the Common Council as well as an ordinance to create a historic commission. The historic commission would have power to oversee anything historically designated.

“This potentially could lead to things like a demo delay ordinance,” said Malinowski. “It can help those who own historic properties keep them up in a way that is germane to the ordinance.”

Findings of the City plan showed that there are many structures, parks, neighborhoods and other areas that had a historic architectural and economic significance during New Britain’s past and which can continue to contribute towards a healthy and thriving future for the City.

The report says the City derives much of its charm and unique appearance from its architecture and from its history, especially as the “Hardware Capitol of the World” and a manufacturing center of nationwide importance. It was also found that the historic and architectural preservation was a way to promote the general welfare and economic development of the City and its residents.

One of the purposes of having the committee is help identify, preserve and enhance the areas of historic and architectural significance. It will also foster wider public knowledge, provide a resource for information, foster civic pride, protect and enhance neighborhood character, encourage preservation, restoration and rehabilitation and apply design standards.

The commission has not yet been established, but it proposed that members serve 2 to 5 staggered terms and no more than two 5 year terms without a year in between.

More information will be forthcoming.


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