Editor’s Note 08/5/2024

By at August 5, 2024 | 10:05 am | Print

I want to start out this week by thanking all those who gave me Coca Cola collectible items. I received several great items this week after people read my column on Coke collectibles and realized that is what I collect.

My collection is not as big as the “Coke Man” Don LeMay of New Britain, but I am getting there. Thank you readers. I treasure your gifts.

Our website question, “Once the new police station is built, will you visit downtown more often?” still has mixed results. As of Wednesday, 20 percent said “yes” and 40 percent each said “no” or the “same.” Perhaps, I should have asked if people would feel more safe going Downtown once it was built? The question has drawn a lot of opinions on our Facebook page so check that out as well. A new question on our website will come out some time next week.

Vote on our website at www.nbcityjournal.com.

Also be prepared to vote for Willow Brook Park as the best park in America. It could win the City up to $100,000 for repairs to the park. We will post a link on our facebook page and website if possible. See page 1 for more details on how to vote and tell your friends. After winning the fireworks contest, we all know anything is possible in New Britain. We will keep you updated weekly on where New Britain stands in the voting.

A big congratulations goes out to New Britain firefighters who participated and won a national relay race to Boston. New Britain is certainly represented well. Read page 1.

Don’t forget to read pages 6 and 7 as four of those running for mayor have answered our latest question. Anyone interested in running for mayor just needs to contact me to become involved. Our latest question concerns Costco.

How many readers attended National Night Out Tuesday night? It was such a great event. It deserves more publicity so more people get involved. Read page 3 for the story.

I was excited to hear the 5th Annual Car Show will still be going on in Sept. 17. More information is forthcoming.

We have a great column on concussions this week. Chris Montes from the community services division, gives you a lot of useful information. He has learned a bit from experience. Read page 5.

My Funny Thought of the Week was actually found on a bumper sticker. I took it as comical and I certainly hope no one is offended.

It is “Save a cow. Eat a vegetarian!” It just made me giggle due to its silliness. I could have posted a lot of jokes about Washington politics this week as everyone had something to say about our debt limit problems. The only problem, is it’s a serious issue facing us all.

Until next week, be sure to vote on our website and for Willow Brook Park, and then come back and read YOUR #1 Weekly Newspaper!



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