Editor’s Note 6/28/2018

By at June 28, 2024 | 3:45 pm | Print

This week I am glad to bring you a positive update on the downtown district.

For years I have heard negative comments around it. Dirty, barren and unsafe were just a few of the adjectives used.

Now, those in the area are actually seeing a real positive change.

It is not as vibrant like 50-60 years ago. It is not dead either. It is coming into its own with new blood.

Younger adults started to see the downtown potential. Out of state developers are coming in.

On page 1 is the story with a few interesting facts. I learned a bit more about downtown through it.

I am usually positive about our City, but I am glad I am not alone. Please read the story and send in your views. Do you feel the change?

Also in downtown is DMTSradio. I have written about this before, but new musicians are coming in to show off their talents. See page 1 for a list of performers.

Next week is The Great American Boom. It is my favorite City event all year next to Halloween. Each year I think the fireworks are the best. I’m sure this year will be no exception. See story on page 2.

On page 3 is a press release from the Mayor’s office on her vetoing of the Democrats proposed budget changes. Even though I want tax cuts, I agree that the ones proposed were not good ones.

The Hive is featured in our business page this week on page 6. Steven Ayala is a very positive guy who is so excited about the City. I hope everyone goes to his store for New Britain gear.

A lot of other interesting things are happening in the paper this week. Information on the Mayor’s budget veto, a new principal, entertainment and sports. Be sure to read it all.

I want you to be aware through July we plan to come out every other week. Do not be worried. Summer is slow.

I got three jokes this week from a reader who calls these “groaners”.

What can you steal, and not get in trouble?

2nd Base

What has a hundred ears but can’t hear?

A field of corn

What kind of birds write letters?


I appreciate any jokes readers find. Send them to [email protected].

Until next week, find time for a joke and keep reading New Britain’s #1 Most Trusted Newspaper!


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