Editor’s Note 5/24/2018

By at May 24, 2024 | 3:30 pm | Print

I often talk about seeing a turnaround in New Britain. In the last few months it seems much has happened. Last year Mofongo opened and changed that corner. It is immensely popular.

This week a grand opening ribbon cutting ceremony happened for The Kitchen. It is owned by Mofongo owner Vincent Placeres. Hopes are he can bring the same success to that restaurant, in the Andrews Building, as he has to Mofongo. If his great food is not enough to attract crowds, in time Placeres plans to bring music to his amazing restaurant and more.

Meanwhile, down the street KC’s on Main opened up. This restaurant has activities planned monthly like painting classes and music. It will bring people at all hours downtown.

Down Arch Street, Five Churches Brewing opened. I was there last Friday night and it was packed. There was not a table to be found. It is no wonder as it is filled with great drinks and brick oven pizza.

This Saturday DMTS Radio will open his doors on West Main St. Deivone Tanksley promises to have musicians of all kinds and a lot of activity. People will go downtown for the radio station.

That is much activity for a City who a few years ago was dead.

Add all the activities at Central Park and New Britain is slowly gaining steam.

It may never be what it was in the 1940-50’s, but change is coming. I can see it and feel it. Soon, you will too.

So what is new in this week’s paper?

Construction has started at Smalley School. I went to grade school there and my mom fought with City officials to build that school. Keeping it in good condition means a lot to me.

Can you write a jingle? How about one about New Britain? See page 1 and enter the City’s Jingle Contest.

It is almost time to vaccinate your pets. Dogs need rabies and parvovirus. See page 2 on a clinic for both cats and dogs..

On page 3 is a preview of Memorial Day. It includes both services and the parade. The parade as always is on May 30.

On page 4 read about the opening of The Kitchen.

This week I received a joke from a reader in California.

“I used to be addicted to the Hokey-Pokey, but I turned myself around.”

Do you remember doing the hokey-pokey?

Until next week be sure to turn yourself around and keep reading New Britain’s #1 Most Trusted Newspaper!


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