Residents Have Mixed Reactions to Friday’s Inauguration
By Compiled by Robin Vinci | Editor at January 19, 2024 | 5:00 pm | Print
The New Britain City Journal Facebook group Question of the Month was “How do you feel about Trump’s inauguration on Friday?” The response was overwhelming from both sides.
Bob Meadowland - “The “people” have spoken. Let history begin.”
Mark Zenobi - “Our democracy allows for the smooth transition of power. History will be made as the first non political person takes the oath of office. I won’t be watching.”
Kevin P Desjardins - “I’m excited beyond words. Sat through 8 years of something that was the polar opposite of my strong conservative beliefs. Time to try something new.”
Geri O’Keefe-Curtis - “Like it or not, he will be our next President. All we can do is give him a chance and let’s see what he does. I did not vote for Obama, but I was willing to give him the same chance.”
Nancy Ellis - “There’s a lot of OTHER programs on TV, I know I will enjoy watching.”
Jennifer Martin - “I won’t be watching, NOT because of him, I’ve got work. He won, some are happy, some are not. The people spoke, it is what it is.”
Jennifer Martin - “I think it should be popular vote that wins, but it doesn’t work like that, which makes no sense to me.”
Leann Siembab Cormier - “Hopeful. No matter who won that’s how I would be.”
Roger Sullivan - “Just another president. Wait and see.”
Jim McNair - “Skeptical, but hopeful!”
Maria Pietrantuono - “I don’t like him, he’s repulsive. I respect the office he will hold and therefore I support him. I don’t think America needs to be made great again. America is already great. I want him to keep it great. I want him to succeed so that America will succeed. I love this country!”
Ann Speyer - “It will remind me that he was outvoted by 3 million voters and that the system by which we elect presidents needs to be revamped. I probably won’t watch it because I no longer go to TV for news coverage. I will read his speech in other media.”
Ramona Kubilius Anderson - “I have felt very sad since the election and try not to imagine how bad it will get under his leadership. Whether people liked Obama or not, it is clear that he and Trump are night and day apart in how they act. Trump has not led, he has intimidated.”
Maria Rosado - “I think is the biggest mistake ever made by some people electing Trump for president. I won’t be watching.”
Santina Cugno - “I am all for it. The American way.”
Valerie Hoye - “High Anxiety!”
Joe Shilinga - “I have always been intrigued by America’s political history. I always feel excited by the history and pageantry surrounding a presidential inauguration no matter who the president might be. I watched my first one when Ike was sworn in 1953 and have not missed one since and I will not miss this one. I always hold out hope that the new president will do what is right for our country.”
Leslie A Parker - “Terrible. DJT will never be my president. That this inauguration is really taking place is frightening.”
Ald. Don Naples - “Buckle up, folks. It’s going to be a wild ride. The Dems are stupid to boycott the inaugural ceremony. The office of the President deserves more respect than that, regardless of the occupant. It will come back to bite them later. I agree with Pres. Obama, who wished Donald Trump well, because if he does well the Country does well. I’ll judge Trump by his actions, not his words.”
Ald. Jim Sanders Jr. - “I am very excited! America will finally get the change that it has been waiting for! For the first time in history we will have somebody who is not a politician that will be running the country. I plan on taking the day off and watching the inauguration in full as I did for President Obama. Good luck President Trump America will be watching closely!”
Marion Pruzan Fischbein - “I will watch with trepidation. I was brought up to respect the position of President. It doesn’t mean I have to like the person in the position. If he is successful, we, as a nation, are successful.”
Lorraine Stub - “Words do matter. I am terrified and cannot bear to watch.”
Tina Santana - “I feel like it’ll be taking place regardless of my vote.
I didn’t get an invite, I’m guessing it got tied up in the mail with the “pre-fab wall installation” bill to Mexico.”
Homer Quincy - “Donald Trump is a great American. He saved us from Hillary Clinton.”
Anastasia Rulkowski - “I’d rather watch paint dry.”
Darlene L. Corlette - “It is what it is. Pray Without Ceasing.”
Ald. Kristian Rosado - “I’m excited because I will be attending the Inauguration and I will be able to witness the peaceful transfer of power in a way that no other Democracy or free society in the world can emulate . It will be an honor to be on hand to see the swearing in of the 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump and to know that it won’t be business as usual in Washington D.C. anymore.”
Carmelo Rodriguez - “Delighted to have Mr. Trump as my president.”
Mary Blasko Filintarakis - “Everyone deserves a chance, but he needs to calm down on social media and be more diplomatic. If I ranted like he does I’d be out of a job.”
Linda Ringquist - “I would rather watch grass grow.”
Christine Fairwood - “I will not be watching it, the end of democracy as we know it.”
Vicki Carlone Aiudi - “Excited.”
Jim Wyskiewicz - “As an American who loves history and who loves what this country stands for and for what we believe in, I will watch. I did not vote for him, I do not think he will come through on his promises and I don’t like his twitter rants.”
School Board President Nick Mercier - “Everyone gets a chance. I have concerns that he doesn’t take conflicts of interest seriously and has been lacking in transparency, but let’s see if he can make good on any of his promises.”
Nancy Rodriguez Shasteen - “Excited! He’s my president!”
Ald. Daniel Salerno - “Opposed to the individual and more than likely his policies and appointments. But this is historical still, and anxious about his Inaugural speech. What he says, how he acts will affect the lives of all Americans. I find his Twitter behavior juvenile. Tweeting is not policy. I will watch with deep concern.”
Desiree Costa - “I am undecided. Very concerned - Trumps lack of respect for women (among other things) is alarming. Because I can’t get to D.C. this weekend, I will be joining the Woman’s March in Hartford on Jan 21.”