Halloween Trick or Treat Safe Zone Coming Oct. 31

By at October 20, 2023 | 2:00 pm | Print

Are you ready to trick or treat downtown on Halloween night?

The New Britain City Journal and Downtown District once again are bringing the Halloween Trick or Treat safe zone event back to New Britain.

The event, meant to keep children safe on Halloween, will take place from 5 to 7:30 p.m. with a costume parade at 7 p.m. It is free to take part in all the activities.

“The Downtown District is happy to host this great City event that has quickly become an iconic production. One that has proven that by utilizing our existing resource of the Downtown, and adding both municipal, business and individual volunteers we can provide our children with a safe and fun place to Trick or Treat,” said Gerry Amodio, downtown district director. “Each year seeing the smiling faces on the children makes all the planning and work extremely rewarding for all of us. And once again proves that New Britain is a wonderful place to call home. We sincerely thank all those who have made this possible to do.”

About 30 locations will give out candy. There will be trunk or treaters and local businesses participating.

The event will be from Washington Street to Bank Street, Main Street from Columbus Blvd to Chestnut Street. Streets will be closed and police will be present.

There will be a location for a haunted house, photographs, craft items and more. There will be at least one DJ and the YWCA Dancers will perform “Thriller” from 5-6 p.m. A fire truck and other emergency equipment will be on hand for children to view.

Mayor Erin Stewart and The New Britain Parks and Recreation Department also will present events in front of City Hall. Jaws Pawn will hand out balloons for the children.

“Each year the event grows. It is fantastic that so many businesses and residents donate to help our children,” said Robin Vinci, editor of the New Britain City Journal. “I expect about 5,000 people to turn-out for the festivities.”

There will be 9 winners from the costume parade. Also 2 adult prizes will be given. It will begin at 7 p.m. Buzz the Bee of the New Britain Bees will lead the parade that will start at Central Park. Stephen Hard, executive director of the Greater New Britain Arts Alliance, will emcee the costume parade.

“How often do you get a chance to see thousands of kids in costume all in one place? The creativity is astounding, and the children are all smiles and the parents and adults who help have a great time too,” said Hard. “It is thrilling to be involved with such a great event. And speaking of thrilling, the YWCA School of Dance Zombies will be back doing ‘Thriller’ in Central Park. It’s a hoot!”

Children prizes include gift certificates from Amato’s and more. Adult prizes are gift certificates to the Bees as well as local restaurants.

In the wake of recent events, we ask that children and adults do not dress up as clowns this year.

“Our goal is to promote the businesses downtown, while ensuring children have a fun and safe event,” said Vinci. “It’s an event for the entire community.”

A number of sponsors have helped make this event a success. These include NB Police Union, Dunkin’ Donuts, Sgt. Dave Mocarsky & Lt. John Rodriquez, Jaws Pawn Shop, Ald. Willie Pabon, Ald. Danny Salerno, Ald. Don Naples, Ald. Jamie Giantonio, Mayor’s Charitable Fund, Maria Pietrantuono, an Anonymous Donor, Costco, Roma Bar and Grill, West Side Tavern, AFC Urgent Care, Carlson Funeral Home, Willie Pep’s, Max Pizza II, Pizza Pal, Diamond Brite Car Wash, Catanzaro Meats, Polumbo Jewelers and New Britain McDonald’s.

If you wish to donate, you can send checks to; Downtown/NBCJ Halloween Trick or Treat Safe Zone, c/o New Britain Down Town District, 66 West Main Street, New Britain, CT 06050. Candy donations are also appreciated.

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