Elections 2016 - Senate 6th District

By at October 13, 2023 | 3:30 pm | Print

Sharon Beloin-Saavedra (U)

51 years old; Married to Ed Saavedra; 3 children;

Lifelong New Britain resident ;

Graduated NBHS 1983;

Graduated CCSU 1987;

President of New Britain Board of Education 2008-2016;

Elected to Boe Nov. 2005;

City Alderwoman 1989-1993;

Legislative Aide/ Clerk of Human Services Committee 1987-1993;

Currently a full time parent;

Autism advocate

Top priorities include:

Policy & financial reform in support of public education;

Job growth in career pathways through education, economic development opportunities/incentives and partnering with Chamber of Commerce.

Supporting sensible revenue and spending policies.

Strategy to accomplish goals / priorities :

Proven track record of working across party lines to get things done.

I have a history of building strong relationships with folks from all political affiliations to work cooperatively and effectively together to solve problems and create opportunities.

I believe that a good idea is a good idea no matter where it originates - as is a bad idea.

Running as an unaffiliated candidate frees me from the ideological political litmus test and allows me greater flexibility to be a true independent thinker.

If I am elected, I will not owe my victory to a political machine but rather to the people.


Senator Terry Gerratana (D)

Assistant Majority Leader

Chair: Public Health

Vice Chair: Government Administration & Elections

Member: Appropriations; Judiciary

Senator Theresa “Terry” Bielinski Gerratana was first elected in a special election on February 22, 2011, to represent the citizens of New Britain, Berlin and Farmington. In November of 2014, Terry was re-elected by her constituents to serve a third term and in August of 2016 she won the primary election as the endorsed Democratic candidate for the 2016 general election.

Practical, down-to-earth and dedicated to bettering the lives of others, Terry’s roots in Connecticut’s 6th Senatorial District run deep. A lifelong resident, Terry has been involved in her community as a concerned citizen, a volunteer, an organizer, an activist and a legislator for more than two decades.

Terry first served in the Connecticut General Assembly as a member of the state House of Representatives for ten years, from 1993 to 2003. During her time in House, Terry distinguished herself from the rank-and-file as a thoughtful leader while serving as co-chair of the Human Services Committee.

Heroin and prescription drug overdoses are claiming more lives in Connecticut every year. As your State Senator, Terry worked on a new law this year to combat this epidemic. The law expands access to Narcan, a medication that is used to treat opioid overdoses, allowing more first responders to save lives, caps first-time painkiller prescriptions to a seven-day supply and strengthens the electronic prescription drug monitoring program.

Terry was instrumental in passing children’s health care legislation as well as managed care and mental health reform. She worked to create a breast and cervical cancer early detection and treatment referral program, to require health insurance plans to provide 48-hour inpatient care for mothers and infants after normal child delivery and to create a work incentives program for people with disabilities.

Terry’s commitment to social change and the betterment of people in her district and across the state of Connecticut has been recognized by many groups, including the League of Women Voters of Connecticut, the ARC of Connecticut, the Connecticut Association of Social Workers and the Connecticut Medical Society.

Dedicated to “good government,” Terry served as a commissioner of the State Elections Enforcement Commission from 2007 to 2010, where she worked directly on implementation of the state’s Clean Elections Program. She is also a former Ethics Commissioner for the city of New Britain, a position she held from 1990 to 1993.

In addition, Terry has been president of the League of Women Voters for the New Britain area and president of the Junior League of Greater New Britain. She has deep roots with area organizations, including New Britain General Hospital (now the Hospital of Central Connecticut), the Klingberg Family Center, the New Britain-Berlin YMCA, the New Britain Library board, the New Britain YWCA and local arts organizations.

Terry received her Bachelor of Science at Central Connecticut State University and was certified as a secondary school teacher. A mother and grandmother, Terry and her husband, Dr. Frank Gerratana, reside in New Britain.


Charles Paonessa - (R)

I am Charles Paonessa and I am running for State Senator in the 6th District which represents Berlin, New Britain, and a part of Farmington. I grew up in New Britain and now make my home in Berlin with my wife, Lecia. I am a self-employed business man of over 40 years and know the difficulties that small businesses face with tax burdens and government requirements. I have a passion for re-use of materials and environmental interests which is why I am currently President of the Board of Directors for the Re-CONNstruction Center. My education in engineering has paid off over the years. I instinctively want to build things and make them better. I feel I am the best candidate for the State Senate 6th District.

Albert Einstein said the definition of insanity is doing something over and over again and expecting a different result. Electing the same politicians into majority positions in the State House and Senate is not going to get Connecticut out of the fiscal mess we are in. It’s time for a change! We cannot afford our current State leadership. More costly social programs and new unfunded mandates to our towns and school systems will not fix the mess created by ‘tax-and-spend’ leaders. After the two biggest tax increases in our State’s history, we are now looking at almost a billion dollar deficit. Now is the time to bring back accountability to our State Officials, and demand common-sense leadership.

My opponent, Senator Terry Gerratana is, in part, responsible for Connecticut’s fiscal mess. A strong economy is bolstered by a vibrant small business community. Unfortunately, this is not what we have in Connecticut. The Connecticut Business & Industry Association (CBIA) reviewed voting records on 7 key bills in 2015-2016 that they deemed to have significant potential impact on Connecticut’s economic competitiveness and business climate. On 5 out of 7 of these key bills Senator Gerratana’s vote was opposed to the business community’s position, (i.e. would have a negative impact on Connecticut’s economic competitiveness) (http://www2.cbia.com/govaff/PDF/2016/2015-16Records.pdf). The most outrageous was her support of Governor Malloy’s $2 billion tax increase—the second-largest in State history. The State is spending its way to financial disaster.

Our Citizens need, and deserve, good jobs. Our Leaders must cut out the overwhelming restrictions placed on business in our State. Let’s make New Britain the Hardware Capitol of the world again, and let’s make the Berlin Turnpike the right place for new business to grow. your support brings with it a great responsibility. I want to make sure that your opinion, as a taxpayer, is heard. Please feel free to call me with your concerns at 860-828-3271.



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