Fall Pilates and Yoga Classes Offered by Berlin Parks and Recreation

By at August 25, 2023 | 7:00 pm | Print


The Berlin Parks and Recreation Department is accepting registration for Pilates and Yoga classes at the Berlin Parks and Recreation Office, 230 Kensington Road, Berlin, CT 06037 beginning on Monday, August 22nd for residents and Monday, August 29th for non-residents.

The Pilates and Yoga classes are held at the Berlin Community Center. There is a fee for residents and non-residents and limited enrollment for all classes. Registration forms can be obtained on the town’s website www.town.berlin.ct.us to mail in or to register in person. New online registration, call for your user name and password 860-828-7009

Pilates - Instructors are from Personal Euphoria, Wethersfield. Participants will need a mat, water bottle and wear comfortable clothes. For more information on Pilates visit www.pilates.com

Cardio Core - Light low-impact cardio with strength training that emphasizes your core (glutes, back, abs and shoulders) Class will meet for 12 weeks from 5:45 p.m.-6:30 p.m. on Monday’s from September 12 until December 19,

Core Blast Pilates is a system of over 500 controlled exercises that engage the mind and condition the total body. Co-ed 18 years of age and up, mixed levels – beginners through intermediate, no ball class. Class will meet for 12 weeks from 6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. on Monday’s from September 12 until December 19.

Yoga classes – Melissa Kidder-Blake is the instructor. Participants will need to bring a yoga mat and wear comfortable clothing..

Morning Yoga – Feel better. Get stronger. Breathe deeper. Learn the fundamentals of yoga. No experience necessary. This class is open to all who wish to build a strong foundation of yoga practices. Classes will be held on Tuesday’s from 9-10:15 a.m. starting September 13. Residents and non-residents can sign up for all 13 classes, September 13-December 20 or for 7 classes from September 13-October 25 and/or 6 classes, November 15-December 20.

Power Yoga - Develop strength, flexibility and endurance through this flowing practice. This class is a moving meditation of breath and postures. Instructor can provide any necessary modifications making this class accessible to beginners. Classes will be held on Tuesday’s from 7-8:15 p.m. starting September 13. Residents and non-residents can sign up for all 12 classes, September 13-December 20 or for 7 classes from September 13-October 25 and/or 5 classes, November 15-December 20.

Introduction to Yoga Series –This series, for new students, teaches postures and their alignments. The classes focus on breath, and address one posture at a time. Classes will be held on Thursday’s from 7-8:15 p.m. Residents and non-residents can sign up for all 10 classes, September 22-December 22 or for 6 classes from September 22-October 27 and/or 4 classes, December 1-22.

Town Journal

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