St. John the Evangelist Church Celebrates 100 Years
By Editor at August 18, 2023 | 2:00 pm | Print
“A faith driven community welcoming all who enter” is how those of St. John the Evangelist parish, 655 East St., refer to their church. This September 11, the church will celebrate it’s 100th Anniversary with a mass and dinner.
Mass is at 10:30 a.m. with the dinner following at noon. A caterer will serve dinner to about 150 people. The hall can hold about 300 for a formal dinner. Cost is $25 per person. Sign-up ends at the end of August.
The parish was established on Sept. 9, 1916 with Father John J. Fitzgerald as its first pastor. It was the third parish in the City and was formed from parts of St. Mary and St. Joseph parishes.
Bishop John J. Nilan dedicated the church, which was originally designed as a school building, on April 20, 1917.
In December if 1921, under Rev. Thomas Laden, the church was partially destroyed by fire and parishioners wanted to build a new church. In 1957, the property on East St. and Newington Ave. became available and was purchased by the McGrail family for the church. Construction finally began in 1968 and the first mass, in the modern brick building, took place in November of 1969. It was later dedicated by Arch-Bishop John F. Whealon.
Since 2001, Rev. Ronald Smith has been the administrator of both St. John’s and St. Andrew Church.
“Under Rev. Smith’s leadership we have made many repairs and improvements to both the church and the former rectory, now known as ‘Parish Center’,” said Janel Rossignol, longtime active member. “Organizations, past and present include our Parish Council, a former Men’s Club and Dinner Club and our current Ladies Guild.”
The groups have been in charge of various activities including a successful Bingo, a Craft Fair, a Cake Sale, a Whist Game (card game) and a summer picnic.
The Men’s Club used to sponsor a dinner and fresh Christmas tree sale. The Ladies Guild is still active holding many of the present activities.
“We are the only one who holds a bingo on a Sunday. We’ve had it going for the past 15 years,” said Rossignol. “We thought bingo would dwindle down in the summer, but it has been on the increase.”
About 90-120 people turnout each week throughout the year. At least 80 people are need to make a profit. About 18 volunteers run the bingo and more are needed. Volunteers do not need to be church members.
“We also have a very active religious education program,” Rossignol added.
Under the guidance of Rev. Smith, the Parish center staff and Christian stewards, many ministries are carried out such as the Food Pantry, Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets. A Gift for Seniors project and an Angel Tree program providing gifts for seniors and children at Christmas time.
There is also a prayer line whose members pray for those in need on a daily basis and a Pro Life Support with an annual Baby Shower and masses.
“The attendance at the services is not as great as we would like because the young people are not attending. At every parish it is dwindling down,” said Rossignal. “There are 13 churches in New Britain and some will be closing. There is also a shortage of priests.”
Those interesting in attending the 100th celebration, becoming a church member or volunteering can call the church at 860-223-3667.
“The parishioners of St. John and St. Andrew have truly been blessed,” said Rossignol. “We welcome all new and returning members to our Parish family.”