Important Democratic Primary Tuesday

By at August 4, 2024 | 2:30 pm | Print

A Democratic primary that will affect the City both at the State level and locally will take place this coming Tuesday, Aug. 9.

Running for the 6th District primary is Sharon Beloin-Saavedra and incumbent Theresa Gerratana.

Saavedra, board of education president, this week received the endorsement from the teachers union.

“The E-board wants to fully acknowledge that Representative Gerratana has faithfully served the 6th district for several years and has represented our city well. She has done a great deal of good serving the interests of public employees, municipal employees, health care workers and others. Our state AFT union leadership considers her a friend to the AFT,” said Sal Escobales, Teacher and Union President. “At the local level the NBFT E-board feels that Sharon Beloin-Saavedra represents the better candidate to represent our interests and our cause. Sharon has always spoken highly of our membership and its dedication to the children of New Britain. Sharon understands how the unfair funding of our schools play out in the schools as well as in the classroom. Sharon repeatedly takes the time to visit schools and ask for input from our members as well as members from other Unions. Sharon is intimately aware of the needs of teachers, counselors, social workers, etc.”

Gerratana first served in the Connecticut General Assembly as a member of the House of Representatives for ten years, from 1993 to 2003. She was instrumental in passing children’s health care legislation as well as managed care and mental health reform. She worked to create a breast and cervical cancer early detection and treatment referral program, to require health insurance plans to provide 48-hour inpatient care for mothers and infants after normal child delivery and to create a work incentives program for people with disabilities.

Saavedra was on the Common Council before becoming a board of education member and president. Some of her accomplishments include the DiLoreto/Gaffney Schools renovation projects, the technology expansion into every classroom, All Day Kindergarten, the NBHS Health Academy and adding AP Courses.

Also running on Tuesday is Former Mayor Lucian Pawlak and Former Alderman Michael Trueworthy for Democrat registrar of voters.

As Mayor, Pawlak brought three of New Britain’s top ten tax payers to the City. The $106,000,000 dollar Police and Fire Pension Fund liability was turned into an asset. He built a state of the art water treatment plant and nearly 200 blighted buildings were demolished along with the Fafnir complex during his tenure.

Pawlak also highlights having made an affirmative action plan, the elimination of City welfare, consolidation of departments, a profitable parking program, major street reconstruction projects, a vision of a Willow Street park and Urban Oaks Organic Farm.

Trueworthy was on the Council and was at one time mayor pro-tem. He fought to make sure that money was put into senior property tax benefit programs and often played a large role in the budget.

However, Trueworthy is best known for going on a drunken rampage at City Hall and harassing Mayor Erin Stewart in her office two years ago. That same day he went to West Side Tavern and used anti-gay slurs to its owner. No charges were filed.

Pawlak said his running is not an anti-Trueworthy move. It is something he wants, an opportunity to do for himself.

But Mayor Stewart has shown some concern.

“It troubles me that someone who drunkenly attacked me in my own office might be working in the same building with me,” said Mayor Stewart. “I certainly hope the voters take that into consideration.”

.News Feature

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