Look Out for Tax Bills

By at June 30, 2024 | 2:15 pm | Print

It’s that dreaded time of the year. Tax bills are being sent out.

This year, you need to pay it by or on Aug. 1 to avoid a late penalty.

Mayor Erin Stewart advises you take caution when receiving your motor vehicle tax.

“Look at your motor vehicle tax and make sure you are being assessed the correct amount on your car, because the department of motor vehicles had an oopsy and there were thousands of people in the State getting the wrong bill on a car they don’t own,” said Mayor Stewart. “If that does happen to you, either call the tax department or the department of motor vehicles. The difference in the car tax this year is a drop from 49 to 37 mills. It is exciting to see it so low.”

Residents, however, will pay more on their property tax bills as the mill rate went up by 1.5 mills from 49 mills to 50.50 mills. The biggest increase in the budget is $2.5 million that will go towards the board of education.

To calculate property tax, multiply the assessed value of the property by the mill rate and then divide by 1,000. For example, a property with an assessed value of $50,000 located in a municipality with a mill rate of 20 mills would have a property tax bill of $1,000 per year.

Tax Collector Cheryl Blogoslawski, said tax bills should be received at homes any day as they were sent on June 30.

Payment options remain the same as residents can pay by cash, check, money order (at counter), credit/debit or Echeck (online or over the phone). 24/7 pay ability online @ tax.newbritainct.gov. Only 95 cents if paying be Echeck, 2.95 percent of bill if by credit/debit. Amex has also been added this year. There is a drop box in front of City Hall also.

People can pay in the tax office at City Hall. Regular office hours are 8:15 a.m.-3:45 p.m. Monday through Friday and late night at 6:45 p.m. on the last Thursday of each month or residents can mail in payment.

Pay by phone is now available along with ability to pay on line at www.new-britain.net/liv_taxcoll.html.

“The last week in July is normally the busiest so if you are coming, be prepared to wait,” said Blogoslawski. “Taxes can be paid on Aug. 1 as well and that day is not normally too busy.”

The July bill has two stubs for real estate with the second part is due in January.

Taxes should be mailed to the tax collector’s office, 27 West Main St. Room 204. If you want a receipt, send a self addressed stamped envelope.

If you have not received your tax bill by the end of next week, notify the city. Not receiving a bill does not mean you do not owe it. Failure to pay your taxes will result in a one and one-half percent interest penalty per month.

Unpaid taxes, both Personal Property and Real Estate, are liened and recorded, and will be released after payment has been received.

On an annual basis prior to July, bank requests for escrow account bills on real estate must be forwarded to the banks for payment. Daily deposits of funds collected are made by the Tax Collector.

If you have questions regarding your assessments, please refer to the Assessor’s Office. The Tax Department is unable to access this information. In addition, please refer to the City website for more information regarding the City of New Britain Ordinances, General Tax Information and CT Statutes that impact tax collection.

For more information call 860-826-3317.

“Make sure you make your best effort to pay taxes on time,” added Mayor Stewart.


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