Central Park Concert Series Starts Wednesday

By at May 26, 2024 | 6:45 pm | Print

Mayor Erin E. Stewart, Commission Chairman Patrick Dorsey have announced that the New Britain Parks, Recreation, and Community Services Department will highlight the newly renovated Central Park on Wednesdays in June by offering lunchtime concerts from 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Every Wednesday in the month of June, Central Park will feature a variety of live entertainment and food trucks that should encourage people to come down to the park, eat lunch outside and enjoy the music. “This concert series is being organized in response to the large resurgence of activity downtown starting with the redevelopment of Central Park. Great entertainment will be provided for two hours for those who want to come out and enjoy their lunch in a beautiful park setting,” said Erik Barbieri, Director of the Parks, Recreation, and Community Services Department

The performances at the lunchtime concert series will feature a wide variety of talented musical acts starting on June 1st with the Caribbean Vibe Steel Drum Band. Caribbean Vibe has performed at many venues around the world and is known for their high energy, lively and rhythmic performances that cover a wide variety of styles. Other performances in June include the classic rock band The Bill Hollowman Trio on June 8th, Survivors Swing Band on June 15th, Joey Milardo and the Musical Cavaliers on June 22nd and finally the country/rock band Dr. Ya Ya’s Gumbo Party on June 29th

In addition to the music, Central Park will also be promoting community wellness through a number of vendors that will be participating in the lunchtime concert series. Vendors such as the American Red Cross will be on hand to conduct blood pressure readings and blood donor signup along with a Community Health Center information booth as well

“Central Park has long been a gathering place for our community,” said Mayor Erin Stewart. “I’m excited that the afternoon music series has returned and other activities are on the way. We have a beautiful new park and I encourage everyone to enjoy it.” These concerts are sponsored by the New Britain Parks, Recreation, and Community Services Department. Everyone is encouraged to bring their co-workers, buy or bring lunch, and enjoy the entertainment at the newly restored and landscaped Central Park

For more information, contact the Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department at 826-3360, or visit our website at www.nbparksnrec.org.


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