Two to Primary

By at May 26, 2024 | 2:30 pm | Print

Former Mayor Lucian Pawlak has joined Sharon Beloin Saavedra to force Democratic Primaries on Aug. 9.

Both are presently getting signatures to be allowed to be on the primary ballot.

Pawlak is running against former Alderman Michael Trueworthy for Democrat registrar of voters.

“When I heard Juan Verdu was not running, I got pretty excited because it is something that I did, under former secretary Susan Bysiewicz. She hired me to do the change over from the mechanical to the paper ballot tabulator voting machines,” said Pawlak. “I don’t think there is anyone in the City, and maybe 10 people in the State, who have more experience with voting and voter manuals.”

Pawlak was part of a team who made presentations to towns and cities about the new voting process.

“I would love to end my career at City Hall,” said Pawlak. “I know I can work with Peter (Gostin, republican registrar of voters). It’s another opportunity to serve this great City.”

Pawlak added this is not an anti-Trueworthy move. It is something he wants, an opportunity to do for himself.

Trueworthy is best known for going on a drunken rampage at City Hall and harassing Mayor Erin Stewart in her office. That same day he went to West Side Tavern and used anti-gay slurs to its owner. No charges were filed.

“It troubles me that someone who drunkenly attacked me in my own office might be working in the same building with me,” said Mayor Stewart. “I certainly hope the voters take that into consideration.”

Trueworthy did apologize after his actions, but did not get re-elected last November.

Saavedra, board of education president, will be running in the sixth district primary for state senator against incumbent Theresa Gerratana.

“I have been fortunate to receive support and encouragement from a cross section of this multi town district,” said Saavedra when deciding to primary. “In this hot political climate of vitriol and tapping into peoples’ fear and resentment - I will run a campaign based on the greater good, the collective positive energy of people of goodwill who are willing to ‘loose the label’ for honest government focused on the whole community.”

Saavedra has a petition signing rally Thursday, May 26 at the Puerto Rican Club on High St. from 6-9.

Pawlak can be contacted by those wishing to sign his petition at 860-670-4955.

Saavedra said she has about 100 signatures so far and Pawlak said he has about 200 signatures. Each candidate needs 934 signatures to get on the ballot.


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