Editor’s Note 5/13/2016
By Editor at May 13, 2024 | 8:45 am | Print
Last year we offered many residents a free subscription for a year to the City Journal. That year has ended. Anyone who wants to subscribe will now have to pay the regular $29.95 fee for 6-month mail delivery.
This cost is for your convenience as we are free to pick-up on stands. It also helps keep us afloat. While we rely on advertising, we also appreciate subscriptions. We are a small newspaper owned solely by myself and costs continue to grow.
As long as advertisers and residents support the paper, it will not go anywhere. We will continue to publish.
If you want to help support us please consider a subscription. I understand for many it is an expense you can’t afford. Those people are the reason we are free on the stands. We want everyone to have a chance to read the news of the City.
We appreciate our readers.
How do you feel about the possible change to a 4 year term for Mayor? It definitely terrifies me. As a friend said the bad mayor we had can still be seen in the rear view mirror. It happened not very long ago. It’s hard for me to see past that.
I understand the reasoning that a good Mayor needs 4 years to get things done without politicking, but I still can’t endorse 4 years.
Have you gone to a Bees game yet?
We are starting a new contest next week giving away free tickets to the New Britain Bees. Check out our website at www.nbcityjournal.com or our Facebook group. Details will also be in the paper. We expect it to go on all season long.
There is nothing better than seeing our hometown team. We are so fortunate to have this team here.
I want to send a big congratulations to the New Britain Teacher of the Year Jessica Leon. It is a big honor here in the City.
We have a Top 10 this week. Facebook group members chose their favorite pizza places. It is a great list with some fantastic places. Everyone has a favorite. Did yours make the list?
My joke from Facebook this week is about how things change with age.
“Age 16: Takes 4 hours to do hair and plan an outfit.
Age 18: Takes 2 hours to do hair and plan outfit.
Today: I brushed my hair 3 days ago and I have no idea whose shirt this is.”
It’s funny, but hopefully not that accurate for most of us.
Until next week, comb your hair everyday and keep reading YOUR #1 Most Trusted New Britain Newspaper!