Gadomski to Run in 25th District
By Robin Vinci | Editor at April 29, 2024 | 8:30 am | Print
Republican Richard Gadomski has announced he intends to run in the 25th District against Democratic incumbent Robert Sanchez.
“Everyone is complaining and wants change and nobody wants to stand front and center to make things change,” said Gadomski. “Someone has to stand up and make it happen. Being a father I want to set an example for my kids and other people.”
Gadomski said he doesn’t understand why more people don’t run.
He said he wants to focus on getting jobs back, restoring pride into Connecticut like people used to have, lowering taxes at the State level and looking at education.
“Taxes is a big issue. I have kids I want to put through college,” Gadomski said.
Although Gadomski ran in 2011 for alderman an in 2012 for state representative, he doesn’t consider himself a politician.
“I am an average guy. I think that is good in a way. I live in my means like the State should.” he said. “I’m the ordinary guy. Sometimes you need a fresh outlook.”
Gadomski lives on Dwight Street and said he sees a lot of issues on the East side like car racing and hearing gun shots.
“It’s easy to see problems and not understand why the politicians don’t fix them. Sometimes they don’t live it,” he said. “They don’t see it.”
Gadomski said as a Service Advisor at Hoffman Toyota in Simsbury he lives paycheck to paycheck. He said what happens in the State affects him everyday.
He was born in 1975, and was educated in the New Britain School System. He has three children, Ashley, Brandon and Christian, all of whom have attended New Britain Schools.
He is a member of the Elks Club and was part of Little League for 14 years. Last year he was president of New Britain Little League. Now, he has stepped down as his kids are older.
“Baseball took up a big chunk of my time,” he added. “Now I want to get back into the swing of this.”