Family Fun - Rain Sticks

By at April 1, 2024 | 9:15 am | Print

Welcome Spring! Although the winter was not as tough as some of our New England winters can be I am still ready to welcome Spring! My tulips are up and I’ve seen pictures of daffodils blooming in the recent snow.

Knowing that April Showers Bring May Flowers we are going to be working on Rain Sticks today. This is a nice project that can be as intricate and detailed as your child is willing to be. You can speed up the activity or slow it down with the decorating.


Cardboard tube

Masking Tape


Brown grocery bag


1/2 cup Rice/dry corn

Aluminum foil

Optional: a couple of jingle bells or marbles

How to!

Cut 2 circles out of your grocery bag that are larger than the opening of your tube. Apply 1 of the circles to one end of your tube. Use your masking tape to hold that securely in place.

It’s time to decorate the outside of your tube. Using a sheet of large paper have your child draw a nice big squiggly line. Color in the shapes with markers, paints or crayons. Feel free to apply glitter if needed!

Your tube has been sealed at one end with the masking taped paper. Now roll the paper that your child has decorated around the tube and tape to secure.

Using a sheet of aluminum foil crush and crinkle and bend so that it will be skinny enough to fit into your tube. Bend and create kinks to slow the movement of the rice/dry corn, jingle bells and or marbles.

Pour the rice mixture and anything else you have selected into your tube.

Use your remaining circle of brown paper to cover the top. Tape well.

Put on some music and dance a rain dance with your new rain stick!



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