City Looking for Food Truck Vendors

By at April 1, 2024 | 8:00 am | Print

The City is mailing letters to over 100 possible food vendors and others are asked to apply to get new licenses for food trucks at Central Park.

Six spots have been approved for each vendor weekdays from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. at Central Park.

“We do not allow street vendors anywhere else,” said Mayor Erin Stewart. “Our prices are way below the average fees for the state. We aren’t charging a lot for businesses to come here.”

Costs are $500 a year for a vendor license and $200 for a food establishment license. Other Cities, like Hartford, charge $2,000 a year for vendors to park near Bushnell Park.

“We want workers, vendors and residents to use downtown,” said Stewart. “We are looking at it as a great opportunity to bring people into our new downtown. Go eat lunch in the park. Push out the disturbances by bringing those who want to eat to the park.”

It is expected to begin towards late April.

“We want food trucks to change the perception of downtown. It is a huge piece of the puzzle,” said Stewart. “It will make the park more welcoming. I want our workforce to enjoy the park, have options for lunch and take in the sights.”

Those who have been a food vendor at previous events will be sent letters explaining the process.

“We told them that New Britain is now allowing your business here on certain days a week,” said Stewart.

Vendors are presently only allowed Monday through Friday, but that could change if the weekend becomes popular.

“Food trucks could be different each day,” said Stewart. “Maybe a truck will only want to do Thursdays. Others can fill in on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.”

Food trucks can stay as long as they choose or up to the 7 p.m. cut off time.

“If any of the time frames are a deterrent, we can revisit the ordinance,” said Stewart.

Applications to apply for the food vending are available in the Building and Health Department, Room 404.


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