Old Police Station Finally Coming Down
By Robin Vinci | Editor at March 3, 2024 | 6:30 pm | Print
The 2.26-acres at 125 Columbus Boulevard, known as the old New Britain Police Department, has seen quite a bit of demolition in the past few weeks. It took the City about a year to abate all hazardous materials. Now the demolition process for the existing 69,800-square-foot, three-story building which was the former Police Station from 1964 until 2011, is being worked on. Next week the main part of the building will come down.
“Half way through abating the building we found there were twice as many contaminants as we thought,” said Mayor Erin Stewart. “We went back to the state to ask for additional funds. They granted them to us so it made a delay.”
The City is seeking developers who want to be a part of downtown’s return to earlier splendor. In Request for Proposals (RFP), the City described the area as, “Once vibrant, filled with picturesque architecture and streetscapes that lured pedestrians with appealing communal areas and greenspace, downtown was a destination for shopping, dining out and entertainment. This project is an opportunity to be a catalyst for a destination downtown that complements New Britain’s existing pillars, spanning arts and culture, recreation, education, healthcare and community. Our downtown of the future will have broad appeal to young professionals, young families, and college students seeking a convenient place to live, work and socialize.”
Requests for proposals must be returned to the City by March 10. Although none have yet been submitted, about five developers did attend a recent informational meeting to apply.
The Project is part of the Complete Streets Master Plan for Downtown New Britain, a vision to create a young, vibrant communities, pedestrian-friendly, attractive and livable environment throughout the downtown. This is one of several Transit Oriented Development areas identified in the 2008 Downtown Development Plan that will require integration with the central CTfastrak station.
According to the City RFP, “Downtown New Britain already has many characteristics that provide the fabric for a livable environment – its shopping, open space, museums and culture – all within easy walking distance of each other. A prominent downtown with signature restaurants and retail locations coupled with an increase in housing options can exponentially expand this appeal. The City is embarking on an effort to convey an attractive pedestrian experience, while addressing many deficiencies brought about by urban renewal efforts in the 1970s and 1980s.”
“This process started in January. We outlined our vision. The City will not be building on it. We want to make sure we secure a developer with a good vision,” said Stewart. “We want to be sure they have the ability and capitol to make this large project work.”
The property is next to a hotel, a future restaurant, a parking garage and across from CTFastrak.
“It’s a prime piece of real estate,” said Stewart. “We don’t want them to work on a silo and build one restaurant. We want them to look at the property next door and the empty vacant field that is back there. We want them to incorporate a larger development”
Stewart said there needs to be more places to eat, a bar, retail and housing Downtown.
“By no means do I think we are going to be a Blue Back Square, but like it, we need something tailored to your community,” said Stewart. “We are looking to house workforce people.”
Interviews with developers are planned to take place with a review committee towards the end of March. One developer hopes to be chosen by the end of April.
“The hope is we get good solid proposals. Part of the RFP is for the developer to include a sales price,” Stewart. “That piece of land is far too precious to settle for anything but the best.”
The Downtown development plan will have a public brainstorming meeting on Monday, March 14 from 6-8 p.m. at the Community Room of the police department. The public can be part of it and it will involve all the areas around the CTFastrak stops.
“It’s important that folks come out and share their ideas with us,” added Stewart.