Come Out of Hibernation

By at February 26, 2024 | 8:45 am | Print

pat rutkowski

It’s time to come out of winter hibernation. Good timing, as March is a month full of

celebrations. On March 13, we change our clocks. We might lose an hour of sleep as we “spring forward”, but the tradeoff is longer daylight. Sunset on the first day of spring will be 7:03 p.m.

And the following week, on March 20, we can look forward to the arrival of spring.

Check out all the programs we have planned on Wednesdays for March. On March 2, come for a preview of the NBHS’s drama club’s musical production of this year, Legally Blonde. It’s always a splendid performance by our talented high school students. You can catch the movie earlier in the day at noon. On March 9, learn about Black Bears in CT, with Master Wildlife Conservationist Paul Colburn. He will present an overview of the black bear’s habitat, diet, behavior, and current research efforts. Advanced registration is required for this program. Call 860-224-3155 ext. 125. Our successful Cookies and Coloring Club has drawn quite a crowd. It meets the 3rdWednesday of the month. This month’s date is March 16. We supply the cookies, the coloring sheets and the coloring pencils. Aside from the movie, these programs start at 6:30 p.m.

Children’s has a variety of programs throughout the month on Thursdays. On March 3, kids can celebrate Dr. Seuss’s birthday and what’s a birthday without cake?! On March 10, join us for our first March of the Stuffed Animals. Bring your favorite stuffed animal. The following week, March 17, there will be a St Patrick’s Day craft and story. On March 24, it will be Easter story and craft night. And wrapping up the month on Thursday, March 31, there is a Family Story Time. All programs start at 6:30 p.m.

Monday, March 14, the Friends of the Library will hold a Spring Pop-up Sale, on the main floor, from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. There will be a variety of gently used books on all things spring: birds, baseball, golf, gardening and more. So what’s a pop up sale? Literally, it just pops up for a short time. Prices are always a bargain.

These are just our special events for the month, be sure to check out our newsletter or web page ( for all our other programs.

The recent Food for Fines weeks which were held at the library was a tremendous success. We collected over 35 boxes of food. Long overdue items were returned, many fines were forgiven and many library cards were cleared. The donated food will go to local food banks. Thank you to everyone who contributed.


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