Editor’s Note 2/19/2016

By at February 19, 2024 | 9:00 am | Print

It’s not even close to Election Day and I’m already tired of hearing about the presidential candidates. Everyone has an opinion. I want to decide for myself without constant blasts on television and Facebook.

We have months more of this to come. It is already annoying. Are you sick of it already? I can’t wait for it to be over.

How did you like the cold weather this past week? It lasted nearly a week and I am ready for Spring. On Tuesday we had a thunderstorm or at least one big boom. My dog nearly fell off the couch. This month has been strange. Since we had a late winter, I am expecting it to last through April. Maybe, Spring will start in May sometime. I hope not, but who knows the way things are going.

We have a little bit about the charter and residents thoughts on it this week on page 2. There is also an editorial on it. In the next few months I think much more will be written about it. Before people make an uproar on what they think will happen, I think people need to wait. Don’t jump to conclusions.

I saw people want to protest the charter. Nothing has even happened yet. How can you protest? It seems some people want to make something out of nothing. We all get to vote on charter changes. I am hoping we get to vote on each change individually. There is no reason to be alarmed at this point as no changes have been made. It seems like political brouhaha.

I read a good book recently that said when people have no plan of their own, they attack someone else’s. It seems to apply here.

Are you still thinking about getting solar panels at no cost? The time to act is now. Just call 860-357-1091 directly for a no obligation appointment. I promise you will save money and the environment. The time to help save the earth is now. And it’s always nice to save a few dollars. If you know a friend who is interested, tell them to call that number. Ask how you can get a $200 referral fee.

Time for my Facebook Joke.

“I like cooking my family and my pets. - Learn how to use commas. Don’t be a psycho.”

Okay, it should read ‘I like cooking, my family and my pets.’ See how important punctuation is?

Until next week, watch what you type and keep reading YOUR #1 Most Trusted New Britain Newspaper!


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