Residents Weigh-in on Charter Revision Commission
By Robin Vinci | Editor at February 18, 2024 | 6:00 pm | Print
In the next few months a charter revision commission will be reviewing the City charter to see if it needs updating.
Members of the commission are Adrian Baron (D), Michael Carrier (D), Catherine Cheney (R), Michael Davis (U), Peter Gostin (R) , Efrain Rosado (R) and Mary Pokorski (D).
The Council has highlighted several areas it would like the commission to looking at in particular. They include:
- Change the Collector of Taxes and City and Town Clerk from elective positions to appointed positions.
- Change the term of office for Mayor from two (2) years to four (4) years.
- Change the Common Council election provisions to ensure minority representation on the Common Council.
- Remove provisions related to boards and commissions that are unnecessary or no longer exist and replace them with references to existing boards and commissions.
Items that should be considered and potentially included in the Charter include:
- Include a compensation plan, or provisions for establishing and updating a compensation plan, for non-union, appointed and elected officials.
- Include provisions to establish a Golf Authority to oversee all operations at Stanley Golf Course.
The New Britain City Journal Facebook group was asked what items they want to see changed the most and what items they don’t want to see changed.
Here are some responses:
Robin Washburn - The Tax Collector and Town Clerk no longer being elected officials. They need to be city employees with the right qualifications. I do not feel they should be appointed positions.
Tony Cane - I agree with about the Tax Collector and Town Clerk. They are appointed in most towns. I would like to see the ward system retained and at-large Aldermen eliminated
Carmelo Rodriguez - Agree on #6….only. Too many changes at one time, might hurt us at the long term.
Ann Obscurity - When there is a great mayor, 4 years makes sense. Recent history has shown that when a not so great one is in office, fiscal crisis can be achieved in less than two years. When it comes to electing or appointing, again if a less than competent person is elected, the consequences can be far reaching when allowed to appoint. I believe the voters have been spot on lately.
Khalid F. Tawfik - I think 1 definitely. That job has to go to someone that is accountable so they don’t do their job right they should get fired I think for. 2 if you’re good you will get elected again
Richard Reyes - 1. Change the tax collector to appointed. 2. Do not change mayoral term of office. Keep as 2 year term.
Ann Speyer - Keep the present Council 10 local districts and 5 city wide representatives. It gives better representation across the city and better access for people to talk to their neighborhood Council members.
Mark Zenobi - Keep the present Council. Tax Collector and Town Clerk appointed positions. 4 year term for Mayor.
Victoria Andrews Gerent - Totally agree with Ann Speyer, keep the neighborhood council.
Gayle Sanders Connolly - #4 And would like to see a change to when the budget is adopted. Waiting until June/July puts NB ‘behind the 8 ball’ for obtaining and retaining the best of the best resources in education.