Annual Math Fair “Adds Up” to Countless Benefits

By at February 12, 2024 | 8:15 am | Print

Math Fair at Sacred Heart School in New Britain was perfectly timed for the beginning of Lent during this Jubilee Year of Mercy, and it beautifully reflected the gospel truths of our faith. Miss Kulinski’s fifth grade class sponsored the event and asked for a non-perishable food item or 25¢ from the participants, which in turn, was donated to a charitable cause. This year’s proceeds were divided between a parish family facing a medical crisis and the Prudence Crandall Shelter for abused women.

The Math Fair is an annual event that gives students from grades K thru 8 the opportunity to interact among themselves and with the fifth grade students who sponsored the program. This year, it turned out to be far more than just a math experience.

The concept of “adding” was much more than joining two numbers to achieve a sum total. The confidence of the young mathematicians (5th graders who came up with their own ideas for each challenge) added with the praise for “a job well done” and the sincere thanks from each of the visitors for such a fun time, was truly immeasurable.

What was “subtracted” from the event was any type of fear, bullying or aggressive behavior. Whether it was a kindergarten student interacting with a 5th grader or an older 7th grade student stopping at a venue run by the younger student, the dealings were so positive, affirming and enriching.

The “multiplication” of joy, enthusiasm, pride, creativity and fellowship overflowed. The spontaneous interaction among the various grade levels, as well as students with teachers, did not “divide” the group, but united them by a special bond – the school’s family spirit.

When we consider the many “unseen benefits” of Catholic school education, these four basic operations of elementary arithmetic might rank among the top as they could represent the four Gospels and the message of Jesus to “Love one another as I have loved you.”

For more information about Sacred Heart School or a tour the facilities, call 860 229-7663 or visit the website at


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