Been Here Before

By at January 29, 2024 | 9:15 am | Print

The Board of Education approved an 11 percent increase to go to the board of finance this week.

It is a large amount that the board knows it will not get. Each year the board seems to asks for much more than it knows it will receive.

It does not mean the board does not truly need or deserve that money. Our children are our future and funds for them should always be first priority. There is no better way to spend our tax dollars.

But, hearing the big increase the board asks for has become commonplace. It is the same thing that happens each year. And every year it is around the 11 percent mark.

Unless the State starts to shell out its fair share for our education, do not expect the board of education to get much of an increase if any at all this year from the City.

Some years the State does give more. It still is not usually enough.

There is a court case fighting funding presently happening in State court. Results from that will impact New Britain in the future.

The board has continually found ways to make ends meet with what is has. The City is fortunate to have people who are consistently innovative. This has been a good thing.

But, the facts are still the same. No matter how much the board presents its needs, there is just not much more money to give.



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