If You Won Powerball, What Would You Do With the Money?

By at January 21, 2024 | 6:00 pm | Print

The large Powerball jackpot that was up for grabs last week made many people think about the possibility of winning a large sum of money. The City Journal asked members of the Facebook group “If you win Powerball, what will you do with the money?”

Giving it to charity or to help others was a resounding theme as many had great ideas for the over $1 billion dollar prize.

Linda Sovak - Buy acres and acres of land and open the biggest animal no kill shelter. Would also set up a residence area for homeless people with pets to have a place to live.

James Whalen - 2015 Aston Martin Vanquish and just go for a long drive. I might also give money to CCSU, because that got me started to where I am today

Dick Rosol - Set up a foundation for charitable giving. I would also set up scholarships at CCSU and UConn for New Britain students.

Maria Pietrantuono - Give most of it away. The nice thing about having a lot of money is doing good deeds for others less fortunate.

Beckie Baker Perreault - What you give away will come back to you 10-fold!

Linda Ringquist - Breath easy. See a good lawyer then share

Beckie Baker Perreault- Definitely give to charities and my church. Share with my family…make sure that my daughter and nieces and nephews are set up for college (or at least for a good start out of HS), make sure aging relatives have accessible homes and set up a fund.

Rodney Baker - Help my church and my son’s boy scout troop. Help family and friends then leave this state for one that’s warmer and respects my rights and doesn’t tax everything.

Wildfire Rose - Act normal, wait to cash it months from now, get a lawyer, start a non-proft for PRISONERS to train RESCUED DOGS to be therapy dogs for PTSD or DISABLE VETS and CHILDREN. This way I hit some of the areas I have concerns with.

Sarah Adler - Give it to my church

Ric Tomcic - Go to Walmart and buy a pair of sneakers

Evelyn A Genovese - Set up a trust for the annuity payments so it goes where I want it to go after I am gone. My favorite charities.

Roger Sullivan - What ever I want to do .

Debbies Crafts - Would help my kids and close friends. Gives a good amount for cancer research to find a cure.

So Kesha- First thing. Open a huge youth organization in New Britain. Based on the arts n education.

Angel Calderon - I would create jobs that paid better

Peggy Riotte - Pay off the house and then go on a long vacation- come back and do some good things for some very deserving people!

Frank Bradley- Definitely give $40 million to New Britain to lower taxes. Also I have a large family and many charities I would give to…oh and a new convertible

Susan Calvo Sokolowski - help the homeless, battered women and also take care of Sr. Dogs!! or yeah and help the family out

Debbie Parzych Kane - Sleep in it!

Todd Davis Cheney - Become a big time real estate developer

Catherine Nyhan Cheney- After the usual (pay off debt, including student loans in my son’s names; secure my retirement…), I would buy up some of the decrepit housing stock in NB and tear it down. Might rebuild, might leave it as green space, or community gardens, or even off-street parking for the neighbors. I would just like to improve a whole bunch of neighborhoods.

Marion Pruzan Fischbein - Take care for my family, an your standing debts for them all and then anonymously donate, clean up and help wherever I choose. Oh, there may also be a beach house in there somewhere. And behind me on line to buy tickets were two of New Britain’s finest, said I’d take care of all of them, too

Pam Venberg Anderson - Help people

Marcia Pucinski Janusz - Bank half, put my family in another tax bracket and have fun giving it away

Janet Peichert - Consult a financial adviser, support the NBPD and build a no kill sanctuary for kitties.

Alison West- After I fainted I’d think about it!!!

Robin Washburn - First I would probably pass out, hit my head and be hospitalized. After I was released I would take care of the normal stuff and make sure my kids are well taken care of. I have ideas for the rest. Give most of it to charity


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