Salerno to Hold Next “Coffee for Open Government”
By Editor at January 15, 2024 | 8:30 am | Print
Democrat Alderman At Large Danny Salerno has announced his first “Coffee for Open Government” session for 2016 will be held, Saturday, Jan. 23rd from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at Angelo’s Market, 349 West Main Street. This will be the 14th Coffee sinceSalerno took office in 2013.
“As Majority Leader and a Council liaison to the Board of Finance and Taxation, I want to provide another opportunity for all citizens to discuss and learn about our city budget. I will be holding at least three Coffee’s during the budget process with a theme: “Building a City Budget”.
Mary Morrocco, Chairperson of the Board of Finance andTaxation will be present Jan. 23rd. She will share with attendees the process the Board undertakes. They meet some 12 to 14 times between January and June and review all city departments. It is a grueling and detailed process”.
Salerno attended almost every session in 2015.
“ I will have budget materials for the 2015-2016 budget. That includes the City’s operating budget and the School District. A reminder to residents they can go to the City website: and view the entire budget.”
“Mayor Stewart and city elected and appointed officials are wrapped up in the budget development process for about six months. The New Britain budget is one quarter of a BILLION dollars. It is complex, and includes everything from chainsaws and snow plows for Public Works to Police Department ammunition and Fire Department safety
equipment, and so much more that it takes to run a City for over 73,000 people”.
Salerno emphasized that the Coffee events are a great opportunity to meet other City officials, Commissioners and other citizens. “The Coffees are informal, conversation is always interesting, and a wide range of topics are discussed. I think the Board of Education issues, with the selection of the new Superintendent and high school principal positions, should be interesting.” The Board recently proposed an 11% increase.
Salerno is also a liaison to the Board of Education.
Coffee is free and treats are available for attendees. “Joe Troepa, Angelo’s owner, is a gracious host. He is an example of local business getting involved in the workings of government. The purpose of these get togethers is to be accessible, continue
transparency and promote citizen involvement in their community and their government”.
Salerno encourages all residents to contact him with problems or issues at [email protected] or call 860-977-5311.