Election Was Historic in City

By at December 18, 2023 | 8:15 am | Print

The New Britain Municipal Election of November 3, 2023 will be recorded as an Historic event for a number of reasons: when the results of the election had been tabulated, a “shock wave” went through the community not only in general, but especially through the Democratic Political Party; it was the first time in New Britain’s history that a female was elected Mayor in two consecutive elections; the liberal Democrats, probably with their mouths agape were incredulous; too, Erin Stewart’s win was a blowout with the after shocks just as severe; Democrats had ceded supermajority control of the Common Council to the Stewart Team - that garnered twelve of the fifteen Council seats with a team comprising members of four political affiliations (R,D,I,U)- and also gave up the City Treasurer’s seat. The Republican Tax Collector was reelected as well. It had been over forty years since a Republican Mayor had a supermajority of the Council with which to govern. Playing a part in this effort by the Mayor and her slate has been personally rewarding.

In the next two years, Mayor Stewart and her Caucus will have the daunting task of trying to reduce the city’s debt to a point where the debt is at least lower that the city’s annual budget. This will be a multi year endeavor. In January, all city departments will be required to submit their annual budget requests simultaneously to the Mayor and the Board of Finance and Taxation (BoFT). The BoFT will have a bit over two months to send its budget recommendation to the Mayor. The Mayor then examines the BoFT’s recommendations and, by the middle of April, will present her recommended budget to the Common Council. Taxpayers must keep in mind that at the time when the Mayor presents her budget to the Council, she will not know how much in funding the City will be receiving from the State! Then, the Council has 60 days either to approve the Mayor’s proposal as is, propose adjustments to the Mayor’s proposal or vote against the Mayor’s proposed budget. New Britain taxpayers should and must understand that it is the Common Council that has the final vote on the city’s budget!

The members of the Mayor’s Caucus will continue to work diligently toward the goal of fiscal responsibility, professionalism and transparency in government in making New Britain a “City For All People.”


(For the next year the New Britain City Journal will run columns from Aldermen when submitted.)


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