First New Council Meeting Approves Various Positions

By at November 19, 2023 | 6:00 pm | Print

The new Republican majority Common Council held its first meeting last Thursday naming a new Mayor Pro Tempore among other leadership positions.

“Welcome everyone and congratulations to all of you,” Mayor Erin Stewart told the Council.

Jamie Giantonio was then named as Mayor Pro Tempore. He had been nominated several times, but in previous years the Democratic majority instead voted for one of their own in Michael Trueworthy and Suzanne Bielinski.

“I happily nominated Giantonio,” said Alderman Daniel Salerno. “He has been a major force within our red caucus and the entire Council. I think Giantonio will represent the maximum of the art of compromise.”

Democrat Carlo Carlozzi said the Democratic caucus also approved of Giantonio this year.

“We have had many good honest discussions together. He has always been a man of his word, a hard worker, always having the best interest of the City of New Britain and at times when it was frustrating when he was one of two and I was one of thirteen, he would share his frustrations with me and I understood and tried to do whatever I could to emolliate those frustrations,” said Carlozzi. “I look forward to working with him.”

“I just want to first thank the voters for giving me two more years,” said Giantonio. “I think what Alderman Carlozzi said is why I am here. I always want to work for the City of New Britain. I do not care about R’s, D’s or U’s. Let’s make this two years of working for a better New Britain.”

Salerno was named majority leader, Willie Pabon and Robert Smedley were named assistant majority leaders. Carlozzi was named minority leader.

Todd Cheney was named Clerk of Committees.

Ald. Don Naples and Smedley were named chairs to the Committee of Administration, Finance and Law; Ald. Chris Polkowski and Jim Sanders Jr. were named chairs of Planning, Zoning and Housing; Ald. Tremell Collins and Kristian Rosado were named chairs of the Consolidated Committee; Ald. Jerrell Hargraves was named chair of the Audit Committee; Ald. Daniel Davis was named chair of the Committee on Licenses.

Committee members are Arts - Naples; Board of Education - Pabon, Salerno, Davis, Sanchez and Jim Sanders Jr.; Civil Service - Carlozzi, Rosado, Lou Salvio and Sanchez; Commission of Person with Disabilities - Collins, Hargraves, Smedley; Building Commission - Pabon; Department of Property Management - Sanders and Smedley; Building Hope Together - Hargaves and Rosado; Emergency Medical Services - Collins; CCSU - Smedley and Naples; Fair Rent Commission - Hargraves and Sanchez; City Plan - Polkowski, Salerno, Carlozzi, Sanders; Finance - Carlozzi and Salerno; Fire - Carlozzi, Giantonio and Collins.

Health - Giantonio and Smedley; Parks and Recreation - Black, Hargraves, Salerno and Salvio; Historic Preservation Commission - Naples; Hospital of Central Connecticut - Davis; Police - Carlozzi, Pabon, Sanchez, Sanders and Smedley; Public Works - Naples and Sanders; Housing Authority - Sanches, Sanders and Hargraves; Human Rights - Black and Smedley; Humane Commission - Rosado; Library/New Britain Institue - Naples; School Building Committee - Collins, Davis and Salerno; Senior Citizens - Black; Mattabassett District - Polkowski; Veteran’s Commission - Naples; Municipal Development - Carlozzi, Davis, Rosado and Sanchez; Water - Polkowski; Youth Services - Collins and Rosado; New Britain Chamber of Commerce - Davis, Giantonio and Hargraves; Parking Commission - Polkowski and Salerno.

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