Compromise Made

By at November 19, 2023 | 6:15 pm | Print

BOE Members’ Move Unprecedented

A last minute compromise brought loud applause from a crowd of close to 200 people at the Board of Education meeting Monday night.

The board had reached an agreement that Sharon Beloin-Saavedra will remain as President until November 2016 and Nicholas Mercier will serve as the Vice-President and Elaine Zottola will serve as the Board Secretary.

In November 2016, Beloin-Saavedra will step down from her leadership role and Mercier will step in as President. Nicole Rodriguez will become the Vice-President.

Moving forward over the next few years, as long as there is a 5-5 split, the Board voted that every year, the President and Vice-President will alternate positions.

“Coming into tonight’s meeting there were various scenarios on leadership,” said Saavedra. “The two caucuses have come to an agreement. We discussed shared leadership. We believe in starting anew and starting a new page. At the end of this year I will step away from my leadership role. I’m pleased we came to an agreement and did not have to battle this out. It’s nice to start on a positive note.”

“I got involved in the school board because when I would tell people where I was from they would say ‘Oh God. Not New Britain’. I would go up one side of them and down the other. We do have amazing programs. We have challenges beyond belief, but the fact is we are serving some of the neediest students in the State and we are doing an amazing job of it,” said Mercier. “It is not about me versus Sharon. I have a lot to offer the board and I hope that we can work together and move this board forward to change some of the perceptions in and outside the City.”

The Consolidated School District immediately released a statement on the decision Monday night on their Facebook page.

“With the political split of five Democrats and five Republicans on the Board of Education, members of the board internally discussed the idea of shared leadership. With four new board members, the process of finding a new superintendent already in motion and other various factors, it was agreed among the members that stability was needed to oversee the transition,” according to an official Consolidated School District comment. “We congratulate those elected into leadership positions as well as the newly elected members to the Board!”

One board member also gave a speech in favor of Saavedra.

“She is brilliant when it comes to all means of educational leadership. Her work ethic is unbelievable,” said Board Member Judy Greco. “She has a great passion for our students. I’ve never seen anyone work as hard as she has.”

Even with the decision made, the crowd still had the chance to voice their opinions. Most were happy to see a compromise made.

“I am very proud to be a taxpayer in New Britain and see you two come together,” said Paulette Fox. “This is wonderful.”

“I want to express my appreciation to each one of you for coming together,” said Awilda Reasco. That sets the example for our children and their families in the City of New Britain.”

About 20 others spoke. Most were in favor of Saavedra or Mercier.

“I came here to support Nick Mercier in his bid. He is an experienced individual,” said John Whalen. “I found him to be attentive, respectful and responsive to me and my family and my neighborhood. I’m glad the board has recognized a need for change.”

Theresa Saranchak said she was happy everyone came together. She came to support Saavedra.

“I have worked with her in several capacities. I think she is the best thing we have here,” Saranchak said. “She encourages our students to be the best that they can be.”

Various Councilmen said they were happy to not have to vote on this issue if a tie had occurred and commented on what had taken place.

“As liaison I am looking forward to working with the board,” said Alderman Daniel Salerno. “We look forward to continued cooperation. I think we can move the City and board of education forward simultaneously.”

“At the end of the day the board is lucky enough to have three officers that are immensely qualified,” said Alderman Carlo Carlozzi. “Voters sent a clear message. We are neighbors whether we have a D, R or U next to our name. We need to do what is good for our City or get out of the way.”

Alderman Kristian Rosado said that there is a captivating dynamic in the City right now and the board vote was a good one for the City.

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