Editor’s Note 10/30/2015

By at October 30, 2023 | 9:00 am | Print

It’s that time of year when we have two big things happening in Halloween and the election.

Don’t miss our information on page 1 about our Halloween Trick or Treat Safe Zone. It is so exciting. It’s the one time of year that is all about the kids. The New Britain City Journal is so happy to help bring this event to you.

I am not going to name everyone here, but I want to thank all those who donated to the event. You are truly what New Britain is all about.

On Monday Gerry Amodio, director of the downtown district, and I went to Costco to pick up 27,000 pieces of candy. We need 40,000 to 50,000 pieces in total. Once we run out, we run out. It is a lot of candy. Any dentists out there that wants to donate toothbrushes should give me a call. We will certainly give those out.

I hope to see all of you out there. I will be in costume walking around or giving out candy.

The center of the event will be around City Hall. Be sure to stop by and say hi to the Mayor.

Elections are right around the corner. We have made some endorsements on this page.

There are no guarantees out there. You have to get out and vote. Anything can happen in an election. Make sure your voice is heard. I think it will be an interesting year. I can’t wait to bring you all the details. I will post updates on our Facebook group throughout the night.

Good luck to all the candidates. May the best people win.

I want to emphasize that letters to the editor are not written by us and are not our opinions or views. The writers are responsible for their own words and not the City Journal. We gladly accept any letters in response to those submitted.

I found several good jokes this week on Facebook. Too many to post. Here are a few.

“The most common ghosts are the visions dressed in white sheets with flailing arms. They are people who died changing their duvets. They roam bedrooms forever trying to find the corners.”

I thought that was pretty timely for Halloween. The next joke I probably posted last year, but I still find it funny.

“Don’t forget to turn your clocks back. I’m turning mine back to when I was 20.”

This Saturday night is the night to turn your clocks back. This is a good reminder. I do not like short days. Already, I am waiting for summer.

Until next week, Happy Trick or Treating, and keep reading your #1 Most Trusted Newspaper!


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