Ward Three - Elections 2015
By Editor at October 16, 2023 | 8:30 am | Print
Candidates were asked by the New Britain City Journal to submit a short bio and a short article on why residents should vote for them. This week are the ward candidates. Next week is aldermen at large candidates. All are in alphabetical order.
Shirley Black (D)
High School Graduate and 75 Years old retired machinist.
I support increasing the economic base in the Hardware City, especially small businesses run by members of our community. We need real change in how we tax our most vulnerable residents, including seniors on fixed incomes, to ensure that they can afford to continue to live in the homes that they have worked so hard for. The Common Council will continue to address the housing crisis in our city by increasing the amount of safe and affordable housing in the city and making it available to all those who need it. Finally we all need to do more in making New Britain a better place to live by supporting more educational funding for our children and grand children and by making sure that our streets are safe. I treat everyone with the respect that they deserve and will continue to fight for the needs of our community on the Common Council if re-elected.
Ray Smith (R)
I’m Raymond Smith age 34 I moved to new Britain CT a little over 18 months ago. I’m running for alderman ward 3 because I have been involved with campain and elections duties since I was 18. My platform I want to try to work on in the North Oak area is the crime, graffiti, another thing I want to be close to is education and the sports teams. Making sure our kids have what they need is a big thing, I also want to work on is homelessness in the city and try to decrease it with the mayor and common council because at one point in my life I was there myself. I want to work on getting more shelters without it coming out of the taxes of the residents. I’m supportive of the Friendship Center and the Salvation Army’s work. I also support the work the Chamber of Commerce is doing. I want to work to fill the stadium that was just emptied with the rock cats. Having the stadium filled is an asset to the city and the residents of New Britain. My work history has been retail and security. I’m now unemployed. I’m disabled in a wheelchair but I don’t let it stop me from doing my dreams. I have put a lot of thinking into running. I’m on the slate of the wonderful Mayor Erin Stewart and want to do a lot more work with her and the new elected common council members. I would also like to see the empty building filled with restaurants, retail stores, and more. Even though I have lived in the city for less than 2 years I have been every active in politics. I have been on the Republican Town Committee, the board for people with disabilities. I joined a bowling league last year for people with disabilities. The reason I’m running for common council is because I see a great spark in the city and would love to be a voice for the people of New Britain. I also ask for people to support the Republican party and vote row B on Tuesday November 3rd 2015. Thank you New Britain residents and I hope to be elected in November to serve a wonderful city.
Hunter Mathena (R)
(did not Submit)
Emmauel Sanchez (D)
(did not submit)