Editor’s Note 5/29/2015

By at May 29, 2024 | 8:45 am | Print

I am so looking forward to Saturday’s Memorial Day Parade. As many of you know I just treasure all the great events the City holds. I don’t like to miss one of them.

Memorial Day is special. It honors our veterans. It is also the only parade we have each year in New Britain. Everyone seems to have so much fun. I think the New Britain High School band is my favorite part although I love all the great organizations.

I’ve been to some other towns parades and New Britain’s always seems to be the best. Maybe, I’m just biased.

I hope most of you had the chance to attend last week’s Greek Festival. The food and music was as good as ever.

I told you last week a special announcement from Mayor Erin Stewart was coming. It arrived on Facebook Tuesday morning. The announcement was not really any big surprise, but it was nice to make it official. It will be interesting to see who runs against her. Most residents, not all, seem to approve of her performance the last two years. She is going to be tough to run against. A popular mayor always has a big advantage.

Be sure to read the page 1 article on Zeena Tawfik. She has always been a huge plus in the Mayor’s Office. Her latest position is sure to be a big benefit to the City. She is one of the people who really cares about helping others. Her enthusiasm, sincerity and down to earth personality really can be contagious. I never put anything past her. She can do it all.

I haven’t written a Pinstripe Press in awhile because I was afraid of jinxing the Yankees while they were playing so well. There recent losing streak has made me a bit nervous. Maybe, I will write a column on my latest thoughts next week. Go Yankees!

You may have seen the City Journal was honored with some awards last week. We are all so appreciative of the opportunity to cover this great City. We strive to be the best that we can be and thank all our readers. It’s our privilege to be here for you. I think our small, but talented staff, is amazing.

Time for some jokes from Facebook. These are more amusing thoughts than jokes.

“Have you ever looked in your closet and thought ‘what was I on when I bought that?’”


“Starting tomorrow whatever life throws at me I’m ducking so it hits someone else.”

Until next week, I’ll see you at the Memorial Day Parade and keep reading YOUR #1 Most Trusted New Britain Newspaper!


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