Editor’s Note 5/15/2015
By Editor at May 15, 2024 | 8:15 am | Print
I just want to make it clear I am not in favor of raising taxes this year. I fully understand the need for it last year, but we need a break from more taxes. People cannot be taxed to death.
I do wish the board of education could get additional funds. They always suffer the most. But, I always believe the State needs to kick in more funds for education. Our state representatives need to do more.
And the State does tax us to death already.
It was a lovely day Saturday for the Race in the Park. Thousands of people participated. Our photographer Eva Gryk got some amazing photos. The fire department let her go to the top of the ladder to get an overall shot. What a thrill that must have been. A big thank you goes out to the fire department.
It’s time to get your shots for your dog. Rabies and parvo shots are required in New Britain. See page 1 for information on the City’s clinic. I went last year to get my dogs shots. The lines are long, but they always are at dog clinics. Get there early.
Alderman Daniel Salerno wants me to remind everyone to come to his Open Government meeting at 9:30 a.m. Saturday at West Side Tavern. Speak about the budget or any topic concerning the City. He wants to know what residents are thinking.
I also want to remind you that getting solar panels at no cost is only good until the end of 2016. So don’t wait. Call 860-357-1091 for a no obligation appointment. It’s easy. You get a site survey and find out how much you will save. Then, you decide if it is right for you. I have them on my roof and love them.
It increases the value of your home when you go to sell it and your home usually sells faster. It’s a win-win. I can’t say enough good things about it.
Time for a joke I found on Facebook.
A policeman radios in to headquarters. “Hey are you there Sarge?”
“Yes, go ahead.”
“We have a case here of a woman who shot her husband for stepping on a wet floor she just mopped clean.”
“Have you arrested her?
“No sir. The floor is still wet.”
“I think I would wait as well. No use doing the same thing twice.”
Until next week, don’t walk on wet clean floors and keep reading YOUR #1 Most Trusted New Britain Newspaper!